i actually think that there is reason to believe that sony could be possibly pushing money towards GS for advertising in the "right places". Since the fail of the PS3 sony has been forced to turn to pure politcts so they might be able to switch around gamers views about consols as it has been showing over the internet recently, and let me tell you i am SICK of it. i am SICK of GS giving good and deserving wii games bad scores out of pure biasness, and i am SICK of sony using dirty tacticts. though i am not sure whether GS is pulling some extra$, i have been forced now to not even take GS reviews seriously, and i just go look at the gamers scores since they seem to be able to do a better job in reviewing than the "professionals".
itll probably cost a little bit more since they might respond to some requests like a larger memory storage, DVD/BluRay playback, or different online capabilities. and you know theyll enhance the channels somehow.
Aye! you speak nothing but the truth! Gamespots attitude is quite similair to britains ignorance of the colonies in the 1600's! But if its solitary neglect they inforce then they ask for nothing but a revolution in return! i say we ought start this revolution while the creators have their gaze distracted by the rival microsoft. Why stand we hear idle? What is it that gentlmen wish?What could they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased by the chains of ignorance and slander? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me respect, or give me death!
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