brian31 Blog
Tekmet you say?
by brian31 on Comments
Tekmet has been banished from the world of GameSpot. What great power could have brought this upon our random posting, almost mugged friend? If anyone has details you can explain to me what happened, thanks.
by brian31 on Comments
....what a week. I went somewhere, found a girl, did some stuff, woke up the next day extremely tired and confused, angered my girlfriend, angered that other girls boyfriend, got dumped, other girl got dumped too, called other girl, and thats where it ends for now. If you have to read it a few times to understand, go ahead. I could get a second chance with my ex-girlfriend...maybe. I could get a chance withsome very hot girl i'll rarely see...maybe. choices choices. Why i started this in the first place? The moment got me going and i think i wanted out of my relationship anyways. But now i might have changed my mind... My ex misses me and would probably give me another chance. But if i take that i'd need to do things differently the second time around. And im not sure if i even trust myself to not screw up again. I never thought i could do that to her, but somehow i did. So now do i continue with the ex or go with the other girl i barely know?
Level 20, etc.....
by brian31 on Comments
CLICK HERE NOW!!!!....or dont bother
by brian31 on Comments
I dont really have anything to talk about, just some random ramblings and what-not. I've kind of given up on Guitar Hero II because i can barely play a note on hard. I'm pretty bad actually, but its still fun to play once in a while. At our high school talent show, two guys played against each other on free bird, expert. It was pretty amazing. The best part was when i had to yell at my girlfriend for saying it was boring lol. Anyways.... i'm on spring break right now. Wisconsin spring break, that is. The difference is that a wisconsin spring break is cold and you have nothing to do, but a real spring break is fun. Oh well, i'll find something to do. If you stayed long enough to read this whole post, you can leave a comment if you want lol.
Guitar Hero II and Relationships
by brian31 on Comments
An Old Friend
by brian31 on Comments
The Death....
by brian31 on Comments
Am I Paranoid?
by brian31 on Comments
.......and the answer is yes, i am paranoid. I'll let you in on a little secret, the title of this blog post has nothing to do with the actual post. My real reason for posting is that i have a dilemma. WARNING - this is a stupid question........ am i supposed to get my girlfriend a valentine's day present, and what do i get? As soon as you're done laughing at me, you can try to help me out. For x-mas we didnt give each other our gifts until after the actual holiday. So i got for x-mas what she had been planning to give me anyway. (she was not too happy) I didnt really care, i probably shouldnt say this, but what i gave her was a lot more expensive than what she was going to give me. Does this mean i should cheapen up my next gift a little? (before you answer that i'll let you know that i'm really cheap) So please help me out, and dont make fun of me :P.
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