The reason why I prefer the one on the right is because I see a better lighting of hope in Tidus while the left feel a bit dark and Tidus expression is more like "what ev, sup." The second is too bright in the room when it should have a darker atmosphere when confronted with a dark secret of Seymour(pff so obvious btw). So my problem with the remastered is the shadows, lighting, and atmosphere missing.
brianit41's forum posts
Well my only reason for getting the remastered version is if they make blitzball have online tournament, which will never happen, or improve it also impossible. Other than that, the PS2 will still beat the PS3. (This is my opinion, and none of you can change my mind!?@#!; Don't care about the graphics texture difference even if it better!)
Screenshot from the remastered screenshot of Final Fantasy X HD for ps3(left) and the orignal ps2 game(right)
Here another image of all (almost) the guardians: Remastered(left), Original(right)
The one on the right look the best XP ROFL
So ask yourself is it really worth it to get the remastered version?
No seriously ask yourself this question and debate about please!
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