OP, there's also some ridiculous elements of female characters that need to die and die quickly.
1) The damsel in distress - Princess Peach, Elizabeth on Bioshock Infinite. Yes, I know Elizabeth helped you in the game, but the fact that you had to rescue her from a tower is a boring cliche. It could be argued that this was purposely done to be ironic, but I don't think that was the case. Granted it is better now - there isn't a damsel in distress that needs rescuing in every game (unlike how it used to be with old Nintendo games), but this cliche has worn out its welcome.
Also, as a dev, if your final boss fight contains the boss holding the damsel in distress who is crying out for help while he laughs maniacally, please do us all a favor and quit the business forever. You'll be doing us all a favor.
2) Stupid female armor - This one is a bit self-explanatory, but none-the-less: female armor in 99% of games (like Skyrim) would not stop a sword and would actually kill the person wearing it. Women wearing armor would not have their boobs hanging out, which RPGs always seem to get wrong. Don't even get me started on the mechanic of, "I'm only wearing a bikini top and a short skirt, but I take 75% less sword damage! Yay! -__-"
3) Very bad writing - It shouldn't be that hard to write a female character. Start with the assumption that your character is human, and go from there. If your female character's only purpose is to be moving eye candy, you're doing it wrong.
4) The karate-chopping ninja girl who is supposed to be empowering - No. Just no. Movies need to stop using this character too.
5) No normal clothes: Wearing a bikini at the North Pole, wearing a bikini anywhere but the beach or a boardwalk, as mentioned above - stupid armor that wouldn't block a bee sting much less a sword.
6) Timidness: Oh devs, did you really include a character just to have her whine the whole time and need the man in the story to protect her? For example, I forgot Elizabeth was there sometimes in Bioshock Infinite (I know she couldn't die, but in the story, you were protecting her). The "hide behind me woman! I'll protect you!" story trope is moronic.
I absolutely agree with you.
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