I mean seriously!!!
We get Run to the Hills on the disc, we get a bad cover of Number of the Beast ...and that's it!!!
Come on! Judas Priest had the entire Screaming for Vengeance album put on Rock Band.
Why not put up it's equivalent, the Number of the Beast album? (they came out the same year and are both the definitive releases for their respective bands).
Seriously! You'll put in a three pack of Disturbed, Jimmy Buffet and Weezer (and two three packs of Nine Inch Nails!!!) before giving us some more Maiden!?!
At least give us Hallowed Be Thy Name! That'll complete the Number of the Beast trifecta. Oh and make it the master version not some lame cover.
Maiden has great bass lines, awesome guitar riffs and solos, pounding drums and some of the finest metal vocals ever! Show them some love already. Make a deal with them!
This rant brought to you by the folks at The Organization for the Better Treatment of Maidens Made of Iron.
Our slogan: "Up the Irons!"