A job listing. Some have speculated that the VASG is developing their own game. I know that’s not what they do, but I’m basing the speculation off of this: https://www.google.se/url?sa=i&source=undefined&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwi9_ISHs-HfAhUFhiwKHWHXBiQQzPwBCAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FPS4%2Fcomments%2Fa33wf3%2Fimage_sony_interactive_entertainment_confirms_the%2F&psig=AOvVaw0xhZJxl8440k0OoHCj5t-h&ust=1547147325290947
But this could easily be for the new Sony San Diego team/studio that VASG is in partnership with (Which is said in the listing for a job for the San Diego studio, back in April of 2018) I’ve come across several listings that seem to be for VASG only, but this is the first one I’ve seen actually mentioning a game, even if currently unannounced.
So, is VASG developing their own game or is this for the partnership with the new San Diego studio? Or is it just for another game that another Sony studio is developing?v
And what does ”high visability” mean in this context? I understand it’s a buzzword and I’ve seen it been used but I thought I’d ask if someone could clear this up or have any ’theories’. Is it supposed to be a fancy wording for good but less than cinematic?
The full job listing: https://boards.greenhouse.io/sonyinteractiveentertainmentplaystation/jobs/1153838
In reference to: https://www.resetera.com/threads/job-listings-sie-building-a-new-development-team-to-collaborate-with-vasg-a-major-sony-studio.35672/
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