As long as they continue to not count people that stopped looking for a job, but are still unemployed after being previously employed, the longer I'll continue laughing at stupid articles like this. Typical spin from an administration that looks more and more lost and inept by the day.
Just did what many have done over the past week or so and cancelled my paid subscription. If I could get GS to shut my account off this very instant and send the prorated difference of my subscription to Jeff I would say go ahead. While I feel for the staff of GS who obviously didn't have much (or anything) to do with the firing, the only way I know to protest in a meaningful way is to hit CNet where it hurts them most, the wallet. Granted, my sub won't hurt them much, but I'm guessing enough cancelled subs together will at least sting a little and make GS realize how important their review staff really is.
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