My graduation ceremony is tomorrow evening at 6. I can't wait, because I don't like my middle school for about 10000000000000 reasons, and I really want to get out. But I also don't want to leave, becauze I have too many friends here and too many people who love me, and I don't want to leave them all.
But I cannot wait to go to high school. It's gonna be real hard and stuff, but I think it's gonna be fun. Espcially since the high school that I was accepted to has a new principal now (the other one was a biotch lol), who is extra nicer. And since teh last day of school is on the 6th, and we're graduating tomorrow, we dont have to go to schoo, on the 5th and/or the 6th. So I might not come on the 6th, but I might come on the 5th to say my goodbyes to all teh teachers and stuff. ALmost all the kids won't be here anyway, so I'll onlygo to school to do just that, and leave.
Middle school was only the beginning....