@Mirimon78: If you honestly believe that 1.2% of a user base is adequate basis to draw the conclusion of the article, you are beyond retarded...
@borgking1234: Yeah they sure haven't learned anything from Sony, just blow smoke up everyone's butt and pass doctored footage off as 'in game'....
@Whiskey3romeo @pelvist Did you have to pay for a service to get the game for free? Yes.So 'practical purposes' is just poor spin Sad when you have to lie about getting a year of plus for free to try to win a pi$$ing contest....
@Andy72774 Yeah they cared so much they provided an awesome library of games at launch. Oh wait, they didn't....
It's really lag free, sure in a closed environment. Would it be lag free the moment it starts up and starts with potential heavy traffic?
BruceBenzing's comments