Why is it on the old graphics comparison they mentioned the ps3 games looking washed out and almost all the games look faded and washed out on 360 but they dont mention it.
Why are they talking about GTA4? its story was horible why not point out Metal Gear Solid or Fahrenheit games that managed to use the gameplay and storyline effectively not like GTA where you have gameplay and storyline not even nearly half of what you got in the previous GTA's.
No game is flawless not halo 3 and not mgs4 they all have a flaw, like halo 3 lacks a good story line and MGS4 had too little gameplay, although it does have good replay value.
if im right which i might not be michael jackson owns the rights to most of their songs so mcartney and ringo might not have anything to do with this game and if they dont we should beat michael jackson with rusty swords infected with aids. and some beatles songs did have cool solos like hard days night. one thing i dont get is why do they have the keytar it looks really gay
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