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#1  Edited By BryanWeary
Member since 2015 • 1309 Posts

So...they ported one of their best selling and lowest selling console exclusives to PC and said they are looking into possibly porting more after they release on PS. I'm trying to figure out where 90% of this thread got "all PS games are coming to PC" from...

Edit - I also don't see how PS games on more platforms isn't good for gamers in general.

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#2  Edited By BryanWeary
Member since 2015 • 1309 Posts
@Pedro said:
@bryanweary said:

#32 Edited By Pedro

Member since 2002 • 48841 Posts

@Nonstop-Madness: The license for DLC comes from the developer not Sony. If Sony is being this nitpicky about revenue, they are not seeing the big and long term picture.

@Pedro:Sorry to tell you, but any licensing is from the platform, not the dev(with very few exceptions).

The licensing of developers' content is given to the platform and can be revoked at anytime.

Yes, by the dev or by the platform holder. You still buy the license from the platform holder.

Edit - The dev can still revoke your rights to the content if you break their ToS(mostly seen in online only games).

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#3 BryanWeary
Member since 2015 • 1309 Posts

@sakaixx said:
@bryanweary said:
@davillain- said:

Its no secret there's no benefit for cross-play when you are the market world gen leader aka PS4. During PS3/Xbox 360 era MS also stopped cross-play from happening so the roles reverse this time around.

This right here. It's why there was a big stink from FFXIV fans and likely the big reason Sony still has a bit of a stick up their bum on the cross-play issue with MS(they play nice with PC).

I disagree due to FFXI already got crossplay between PS/Xbox/PC. Square specifically called out xbox on their practices. Square offers free trial forever up to lvl 60 but xbox then paywall F2P games until like last week. We will see what will change now.

That actually makes my point. MS didn't want to play nice and even though they kinda did for FFXI, that doesn't mean Sony wouldn't still have a bit of bad blood toward them. Doesn't make it right, just a thought. Would be nice to see all plats play nice with each other when a dev wants to make a cross-plat game.

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#4  Edited By BryanWeary
Member since 2015 • 1309 Posts
@davillain- said:

Its no secret there's no benefit for cross-play when you are the market world gen leader aka PS4. During PS3/Xbox 360 era MS also stopped cross-play from happening so the roles reverse this time around.

This right here. It's why there was a big stink from FFXIV fans and likely the big reason Sony still has a bit of a stick up their bum on the cross-play issue with MS(they play nice with PC).

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#5  Edited By BryanWeary
Member since 2015 • 1309 Posts

#32 Edited By Pedro

Member since 2002 • 48841 Posts

@Nonstop-Madness: The license for DLC comes from the developer not Sony. If Sony is being this nitpicky about revenue, they are not seeing the big and long term picture.

@Pedro:Sorry to tell you, but any licensing is from the platform, not the dev(with very few exceptions).

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#6 BryanWeary
Member since 2015 • 1309 Posts

Yup. Had no luck when retail went live early, but got the invite and preordered from Sony yesterday.