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I need friends for Xbox Live!

So, yeah...none of my real life friends actually own a 360.

I'm not huge into online play either, so I don't just meet people while playing, say...Gears of War online.

I'm pretty big into Live Arcade titles, Tetris, PGR3 and Crackdown, but again...not a huge online player. More casual than anything. Anyways, if you read this, please either leave your gamertag, or add mine "bryehn".

When I do play online it's usually pretty late (11PM - 2AM Eastern)...If you're down for a session of Double Dragon, TMNT or Aegis Wing, I'm always up for those...

In truth, I'm trying to get my "Rep" up by being invited to games, etc.


Besides that, I recently moved to a new apartment, so I've been really busy unpacking and stuff. Also got me a new 32" LCD HDTV. Primarily because of my 360. Unfortunately, my beloved PS2, and my seldom used Wii look like complete ass on it :\

Now that I'm settled, I'll be posting alot more, uploading some videos from some of the games we've been getting, and writing a few reviews for games people need to pay more attention to (Crush for PSP for example).

