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Jayson Wan's Game of the Year Awards 2016 (Best of the Worst!)

They may be overhyped. Have poor PR skills, stupid decisions or just plain boring and disgusting to play as well as being unfriendly towards the casual player and are only for just one kind. Sure these games do have their fans and supporters; no offense but to the majority of us they do not deserve to sit among the best of the best.

The worst is to come. So my deepest apologies again to all my friends and viewers who played them and do take it with a pinch of salt. We can't fault you for enjoying them but facts are facts: THEY ARE CRAP!

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Worst PR Disaster - NO MAN'S SKY

A lot can be said of how much that was promise did not come to fruit. It’s clear that the finished product hasn’t been enough for some of that audience. Gamers like closure, and it seems that this will be harder to achieve now that some fans have grown discontented with the gap between what was originally revealed and what we actually got when No Man’s Sky launched.Some of the fans that were eagerly awaiting No Man’s Sky feel let-down by what was promised to them. Some even feel cheated.

The promises of see other lifeforms moving independently and meeting other players themselves were not met. Much of what was shown or described in the hype years is wildly unrepresentative of what’s there now (remember Watch Dogs?).

NO MAN'S SKY will be remembered for the wrong reasons.

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Worst Mobile Game -POKEMON GO

I lasted a few weeks with the game and then I stopped. Blame Ninatic for their handling and patches. Patches that are meant to help the game yet it made it even worst. Seriously how can they remove important features to assist us in finding those hard-to-find roddens!?! And why are we penalised for speeding when we are not even driving!?! And with many others being in other countries and with no new ones to capture it became pointless to keep supporting it for the long run. This game is garbage with each patch it receives. DELETE IT!

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Worst Sports/Racing Game -FORZA HORIZON 3

I played this at the Xbox booth at a games convention just to earn a convention stamp. I tried hard not to laugh a how bad the cars handle in this game. They are not properly representative of the actual make and they are made more for ramming than racing. And if you screw up you can use the rewind feature to correct that mistake (what?) which is retarded!

Most of all Forza will never shake off the disgrace it made itself out of in 2010 trying to bribe for Cnet polling votes to beat Sony's Gran Turismo.

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Worst Demo -NIOH

Word is yet to be out if I will consider getting this but from the tech demo I was more frustrated by the game's unbalanced difficulty. More so than not even a low level goon will down you in two hits. It may be just a demo but to make it frustratingly difficult is not going to impress the majority core gamers who are casual! Bloodborne has set an example of making a REALLY FREAKING DIFFICULT GAME BUT STILL ACCESSIBLE BY CASUALS to enjoy (From Software, its creators, also made the Dark Souls series). Nioh's developers Team Ninja, however after the first demo stated that they'll make the game even harder.

No thanks. I'm packing my bags to Yharnam and the Hunters' Nightmare instead.

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Worst Handling of Hardware - RAZER

March 18 2016 was where it all went wrong again for Razer since their unforgettable embarrassment of their Razer Atrox breaking down in the finals of the USFIV Tournament Finals at EVO 2015. Their pro gamers; Infiltration, Fuudo and Xian were given what is said to be 'prototypes' sticks for the PS4. However all there malfunctioned badly resulting in Fuudo's and Xian's elimination when their sticks SHUT DOWN and never recovered while Infiltration's stick barely hung on as he went on to win the entire tournament.

Min Liang Tan (Razer CEO) wrote that day:

"It’s with great pleasure that I’d like to announce that RZR|Infiltration has won Final Round - the first premier SF V tournament.

However, while this is a great win for Team Razer and the FGC, it has come to my attention that there was a malfunction of the fighting sticks used by RZR|Xian and RZR|Fuudo at the tournament. These malfunctions have been due to the use of our PS4 prototypes which was also the same one used by Infiltration.

The good news is that we’re committed to the FGC and can confirm that we’ve been working on PS4 products given the move of the FGC to the PS4 platform. And in this case, like every Razer product (and now it’s an open secret), we field-test them all in actual tournament gameplay by our eSports athletes as part of our validation/testing phase before we go into actual mass production. In this case, it’s provided Infiltration with the win as he was using one of our prototypes in the tournament.

The bad news however is that despite our PS4 prototype sticks working flawlessly for the past couple of months, what looks to be a firmware bug resulted in a malfunction of some our prototypes that were used by Xian & Fuudo at the tournament. Rest assured that we’ll be resolving this issue before we go into the next phase of testing and before they go into mass production.

In the light of this, we will suspend any new FGC sponsorships until the PS4 sticks are ready for production. I understand this may cause some concern as we see other corporate sponsors pulling out from the FGC at this time but rest assured we will reinstate our sponsorships for the FGC when our PS4 products are ready and of course our existing support for our players remains unaffected."

Even if you want to take his statements at face value, and that Razer did make prototype PS4 sticks, field testing them in this manner in a tournament setting is the last thing you want to do, since the result is that they completely stopped working for the player and they suffered losses that they couldn't come back from.

Many of us questioned the error of Razer of using untested gear in serious tournaments and in my case I was responded with a backlash of angry Razer fanboys lashing out at my comments (above) they find as insulting and deemed harmful to the stability of the nation(!?). Then again the Razer CEO does not have my respect for his insult on PS3 back then and his jump on the bandwagon to catch up with HORI and Mad Catz is seen as a desperate attempt to cash in on the PS4's far superior power (like the PS3 but he doesn't see it that way) bcos the Xbox One is overall crap.

Razer also wins Worst Fanboys of the Year.*

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'Crap'-bag Award - HALO

A no contest really. While Overwatch is the crap of the year there's still the award for this annual repeated winner for a game series that has scorned and created console wars so bad it refuses to admits it flaws it creates from psycho-ing players to kill their own parents or start real life killings and even causing Xbox consoles to blow up in tournaments. Really after all that and we still never see the face of the character. Maybe they're too embarassed to show his real face? At least I know the Helgans from KILLZONE don't look like aliens!

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Worst Game of the Year - OVERWATCH


Is this really deserving of a GOTY title?

Don't get me wrong but I've had a hand on it at a games convention and I wasn't impressed one bit. The only good it has are the topics that range from how much controversy it caused from angry losers accusing a gal for cheating until she proved them live and to Russia banning a Tracer comic bcos she's finally revealed to be gay (I'm not against it but I agree Russia shouldn't have done that) as well as all the crazy NSFW content their fans are generating. And with a dropping number based with the majority of them being pro-gamers only, jumping into a game is a pain and you'll be constantly praying that your opponent is not a troll who can transform into a Gatling Gun and bring your team down. Overwatch will become a bore in an instant as fast as the Flash running from Japan to New York in an instant to catch a girl from falling down a burning building while she was half-way down to impact. there are better games out there but Blizzard's FPS competitive shooter is not the one. It's a real guessing game though; how much has Blizzard bribed the reviewers to give them GOTY status where there are many other games more deserving of it?!

It isn't just my Worst Game of 2016. It is also:

- Worst Shooter

- Worst (Co-Op/Competitive) Competitive Multiplayer

- Worst Character Design

- Worst Graphics

- Worst Sound

- Worst Music

- Worst Story (Story? What story?)

- Worst Fanboys of the Year*

And while I pose no offense to all who are playing it but my personal views and opinions towards Overwatch are my own and will always be negative therefore is my Best Selection - Worst Game of the Year 2016!!!!

*shared with Razer

Jayson's GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 - The Best of the Best!

Today we all take this opportunity to look back at the games we played and enjoyed the most as well as puking on the worst and asking ourselves why were they made in the first place. My gaming this year was a mixed bag and while there were many good ones around I stuck with a chosen few to call the best and they will be regarded as the 'Jayson Best Selection' Award alongside what I deemed as the Game of the Year

Okay time to get the ball rolling!

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Game of the Year - THE LAST GUARDIAN

Donkey years in the making and rumoured to be plagued with production issues the long awaited game from the studio who brought 'Shadow of the Colossus' finally released their long awaited title to the masses. First re-introduced in E3 2015 followed by a release date announcement in 2016 (delayed later), The Last Guardian is an epic adventure story of trust and bonding between a boy and a griffin as they work together to escape from enemies in a gigantic castle. With some of the best direction in art, story and music seen and heard in any game ever since the Uncharted series, The Last Guardian stands its ground on its own as the Game of the Year in my books!

Here's to producer Fumito Ueda and Sony for never giving up on making this game!

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Best Action Game - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

It's not every time I will enjoy a COD game but if there's a reason to enjoy them it's for their well written stories and action moments that can have you taking for a long time to come and Infinite Warfare delivers. Also to go along with the action are its weapons variety and their supporting cast, especially Ethan, a wise-cracking humanoid who brings life to the game even in intense moments! Give it a run and I can assure you it'll be a hell of a ride!

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Best Fighting Game - Street Fighter V

This was a tough choice. KOFXIV, Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator and even Blazblue Centralfiction were in the running for the win but SF takes the cake for this one. Being very accessible to the casual gamer from the ground up compared to the strictly-hardcore-only failure that was SFIV, SFV shifts down wisely towards a wider audience and brought out the best on anyone who has problems with the last one. Sure there were issues in the beginning of the game's release but surely all games will go through such problems upon release won't they (like Division).

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Best (Co-Op/Competitive) Multiplayer - Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps

HATERS BE DAMNED!!!!! Compared to most multiplayer shooters, Umbrella Corps takes the cake in my books as the BEST OVERALL COMPETITIVE SHOOTER OF ALL TIME!!!!! The brainless haters will rant on at how it ruins the Resident Evil image but they're just hating for the fact that this game lacks any for of advantage for snipers since all firearms while ranged are mostly based for close combat gunfights forcing them to go up close and personal. The haters are also annoyed by the presence of zombies and various B.O.W. threats in the game while engaging with other opposing players making this somewhat of a three-way fight at times but what is a Resident Evil-based game without the zombies eh!? It also doesn't help them the fact that Umbrella Cops is also the second most played game; fighting against Destiny and Divison for the spot and beating Overwatch in terms of player count.

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Best RPG - Final Fantasy XV

If the haters again can say Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps is not Resident Evil, the same can be said for FFXV for being completely action-based with RPG elements (like CastleVania Symphony of the Night). Rather to focus on a big band of heroes the game shifts to a prince and his three companions on a road trip in their Audi. The game like The Last Guardian went through a long production process being originally titled as FF Versus XIII but eventually re-branded to FFXV when announced in E3 2013. The game is said to be more enjoyable now with a New Game+ recently added in a patch. If the bug hits me I might consider getting it.

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Best Sports/Racing Game - STEEP

It is sometimes very unusual of me to venture outside my comfort zones but STEEP has my nod on this one. An open-world extreme sports game played on a snowy mountain, the evens allow you to live your GoPro fantasies to the max pulling off tricks off a cliff while dropping down a hundred feet or flying close to the ground in your wingsuit! I thought it'll just be a waste but eventually I was wrong and it was one of my later struggles to juggle between this and Umbrella Corps.

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Best Remastered Game - Resident Evil (Orgins, 4, 5 and 6)

No doubt the Resident Evil series ran my life this year A LOT. Regardless what is said about RE6, all are equally enjoyable in their own way. And even though I've played them before in the last gen years, it doesn't hurt to give it another re-run except for RE Zero in Origins who is my first run this year. Here's to RE7 coming in January!

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Best Mobile Game - Fallout Shelter

Stubborn games stood the test of time and Fallout Shelter proves on this. Now backed with a huge update and with additional ways to get those hard to find loot, running as an Overseer has never been so enjoyable. I'm glad I never gave up on this game and it looks like I never will.

Now I hereby reveal my overall winner:

Jayson's Best Selection - Best Game of the Year - RESIDENT EVIL: UMBRELLA CORPS

The game I played the most is my GOTY overall! Indeed a man's meat is another's poison. Umbrella Corps held its own with its own brand of competitive multiplayer like no other with battlegrounds based on the Resident Evil worlds. The action is fast and furious. Gone are they annoying need for camping bcos the zombies there may go after you or be used by another player as a shield when engaging you! And believe it or not there are players playing it DAILY like a virus! And no battle will be the same like the next and you'll be fighting and dying for more to come! It was also a competitive shooter that I took seriously compared to the likes of COD and even Battlefield. And that's why it's my Best Selection - Best Game of the Year 2016!

Why haters hate Umbrella Corps

Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps is hated by a lot of people but however sadly for them there's a lot of people out there who enjoy it very much, me included and I've played it more than Call of Duty.

o why do people actually hate this game?

1. Areas and teams too small - the purpose of the small areas and teams are to encourage more close-up gun fights. Majority of many gunfights seen in many competitive shooters have always been about range and sometimes we do see A LOT OF SNIPER TEAMS in CS tournaments at times.

2. No Sniper Rifles - again same as with the first reason. I can also say the same for the near total lack of camping grounds. Everyone is always on the move no matter what.

3. Getting killed by zombies instead of players - that's the interesting part. The players are equipped with a Zombie Jammer on their backs to mask their presence against them. If it gets shot, they will come after you with everything they got. The zombies are also there for reasons:

  • to possibly change the tide of the fight
  • tactical shield (yes you can use them as a temporary shield)
  • Since the backgrounds are based on and set in the Resident Evik universe it wouldn't be right to not include the (now undead) original residents roaming there right?

4. Bugs and Control issues - Capcom have a dedicated team looking out on this game and will make fixes accordingly as well as weapon and game balancing for a stable gameplay experience. they will also be releasing new content FREE (as of now there are two new maps, some new guns and a new 4-player survival mode).

5. It's not Resident Evil! - Same goes for Final Fantasy when they're no longer turned-based fights anymore! Besides it's non-canon and Capcom didn't try to make another Operation Raccoon City nor make it part of the canon series.

6. No one plays it - the attached picture is proof that there are people playing it. About an estimated 20,000 to 30,000+ players duke it out on a daily basis which is comparable to the same number of people playing Call of Duty and about 15000 players more than the number of players playing Overwatch (last checked on 12/9/16).

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Problems aside #2 is seriously the reason why many people hate this game. Many have I seen most first timers running to a supposed hiding ground to rain bullets on their foes until a stray bullet hits their Zombie Jammer and then we can see them running for dear life from the zombies that chase after them.