Here are the details from the podcast with Sam Lake that came out today:
It's in Finnish, but "northernlights" at the forums translated some of it for us (you can find the points in the link too):
Why has it taken so long?
-Small team (this way they have better control)
-High quality standards
E3 2005
-Technology and vision was being worked on
-Gameplay at that time was only a prototype
Games vision has stayed the same from the start, but the form of the game folds during the whole development cycle
What can you tell about the upcoming trailer?
-It started as a joke
-Without Max Payne movie they probably wouldn't have released the trailer now
-..but with both MP and A.Wake being cinematic games, it seemed like a good idea to present it now on the big screen
-They don't want to show gameplay just yet
What do you think of MP movie
-Surreal, contradictory feelings..
-Great that someone has done it
-Until now they have had full control over MP, but now someone else is doing it
-"Practice shows that good trailer can be made of anything" (laughing)
-Sam Lake likes Mark
Sam's role as the writer
-Remedy stress story in their games (doh :D)
-Sometimes busyer, sometimes calmer periods
-Trying to write the story to be "playable" as much as possible
-From writers point of view, working with a game is similar to working with movies
-(he described the stages in writing development)
- MP1 manuscript was 150 pages, MP2 650 pages
-The usual feedback for a writer is usually "too long"
(lots of talk about creative writing in general)
What kind of games do you like as a writer?
-Roleplaying games (usually more story centric)
-Being a "family man" + work, time doesn't often allow playing games
-Praise for Orange Box
How serious is A.Wake going to be?
-Supposed to be "scary at times"
-Humor is necessary for a game/r
When is it going to be released?
-When it's done
-"Good feeling" about the project ("hyvä pöhinä" :P)
Not revealing in any way, but that was to be expected. But it's good to hear from Remedy.
Oh, and before I leave you, I have a treat. Straight from the trailer, in-game, is a brand new screen shot of Alan Wake.
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