Vista is OK at best. Mac is also OK. Both OS do what you want them too and, yes, they both crash (I have a PC and Mac). Although, I'll admit, i never had an update from Mac brick my computer, which, after dealing with both MS and HPs customer service lines, i bought a Mac. MS acts like an insurance company who doesn't want to pay your claims and HP customer service cannot speak english. My Mac seems to work great aside from the fact that after a year I still miss the right click function. finding programs has gotten alot better than in the past.... As far as Windows 7....doesn't look like a great idea to me. I have just been burnt by MS too many times (4 Xbox RROD, one bricked computer, Zune that Fs up my music every time an update comes out, etc). It will take a lot to sell me on anything made by MS.
As far as I can tell, the PS3 versions look darker and some textures look better/worse depending on the game. These are much closer in comparison than the first round of pics gamespot ran when the PS3 first came out so it looks like the developers have gotten the hang of the PS3. I would also like to point something out here---I have been a gamer for years and the problem is not with the PS3 or XB360. The real bad news is the Wii. I have one myself and it is flooding the market with SH#$%^# software in order to turn a quick buck. This happened one other time in in history (Atari) and gamers abandoned their consoles because the got burnt too many times. This is why i only have 2 games for the Wii.... To all of you who keep buying PS3 and XB360 software, thanks.
1. Final Fantasy series (multiplatform) 2. God of War series (PS2) 3. Far Cry (Xbox and 360) 4. World of Warcraft (PC) 5. Any Zelda game after the first one
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