Yeah I just got the Xbox 360 500gb for 179$ (new), not a bad price at all. 100's of cheap games, all my digital downloads, and I don't have to buy a NEW XB1 to play SOME games on. I can play them all!! AS it should be. And i have a PS4 for all my new stuff on the way. So yeah it's going to be a great console for a very long time. It's almost 11 already, so that speaks volumes.
Bubba_666's forum posts
Actually this game is a lot more of a thinking FPS compared to DOOM. More like the Terminator era, killing robots etc. Very futuristic, and great shooter. I have the original from 2011, and thought it looked and played great. Very underrated. Will only cost around 20$. Great game.
@GameSpot: If Graphics weren't important we'd all still be playing Atari 2600 games, watching VHS tapes, old tube TV's, regular old flash cameras from the 70's, have no bright colored cars. and have no HD computer screens, tablets, phones, or HDTV/Blu Rays. I think you get my point, people and gadgets, even the earth itself (we) try to improve it's beauty. So the objective of games is to make them bigger, better, and prettier. Also not forgetting the framerates and gameplay. Which are the games personality. And sometimes over looked. The whole world is about appearance, cats, dogs, cute babies, clothes, make up etc. It may be vanity but it's life. Even though I don't believe in God, if in fact he did make everything, he made it to be beautiful. Not drab and ugly. :)
@jlsdnsthms: You can get brand new ones at Walmart for 159$, peggle bundles 4gb. Or 199$ 500gb, Forza 2. Little pricey for the 500gb, but hey it's brand new. I think the 4gb should be 100$ and the 500gb 150$. IMO
Xbox One, I was so tempted because of Until Dawn and The Uncharted Collection, but realized, with Forza 6, RITTR, Gears UE, BC, Windows 10, DX12, you're just not going to beat it. PS4, has umm, I have no idea, mine sits under a pile of sand. Next year though I'll get the UC4 bundle and the UC Collection. Other than that, next year? Guess we'll see. 3rd party titles I can play on either. So doesn't matter. Resolution wars are so over. :)
I have both, but I play 3rd party titles like Dying Light, Facrcry 4, COD AW, Thief etc. All on Ps4, because they look and run better IMO. Xbox I only like for exclusives, Forza H2, Titanfall, (not a halo fan), but 5 may be decent. Waiting mainly for Rise Of The Tomb Raider. And Until Dawn, Uncharted Collection UC 4, and some of the upcoming AAA titles, SW Battlefront, The Division, COD Black Ops III etc. So they are both good for different things. And both now support ALL forms of DLNA, streaming etc. Can't go wrong with both. I got my PS4 for 185$ with trade in deals. Xbone for around 170$ with all my trades. Although i still own one 360, i'll never get ride of. :)
They aren't desperate like Microsoft, they don't need price cuts to sell. MS messed up, they've had to get rid of the kinect, free up esdram for graphical (sorta) improvements, price drop, to many bundles, gimmicks like backwards com., DX12, Windows 10, and the list goes on. If they would have made the console "correctly" the first time around, they wouldn't have to worry about sales. Simple fact Sony put a more power GPU, better RAM, and just an overall system for GAMERS. There's your answer in a nutshell. It's like Infinity vs Hyundai.
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