@Crypt_mx said:
@farrell2k said:
@Crypt_mx said:
@farrell2k said:
@Crypt_mx said:
@farrell2k said:
@Crypt_mx said:
X1 beta is 900p, 30fps vs 1080p 30fps that will be equaled out at launch.
Yeah so there's that. Everyone was expecting some superior Sony version, but as of now it seems parity has been achieved. Thoughts?
Parity has been achieved by watering down the ps4 version, yes, of course.
Lol if believing that makes you feel better about your console purchase then sure.
I don't own a ps4 or an xb1. How do you think you make things equal when you have two different hardware capabilities? You use the weaker system as a base.
I own a PS4 and an X1, and even though the hardware difference exits, it is not enough to make a difference if the devs are good enough. The consoles are too similar in terms of real world performance, not raw numbers. I do not think they coded the PS4 version knowing they had to hold it back, they just created it as they wanted it. Without the Xbox power boost from the Kinect it would be a 900p v 1080p difference, that's how it would have launched. But with the power, the systems are nearly the same.
What do you mean "if the devs are good enough"? Hardware is fixed. It's not like they're going to be able to hire a magician to make the xb1 magically as powerful as the ps4. You know nothing of programming, that much is obvious.
That's not what I said at all. The Xbox is harder to code for because of Esram use, but the consoles are so similar in overall real world power that the games can be even, or almost. I never said anything about a magician to make it as powerful, I know more about programming than most people on here. I've been saying it's not enough of a power difference to matter, not that it doesn't exist. It's all numbers, the PS4 and the X1 are identical mid range computers in practice.
I'm done talking to someone who is as ignorant as you, good day.
This is a whole load of bullshit. Yeah, the Xbone is harder to code for than the PS4 is, but that is more than compensated through the army of top coders that 3rd parties use to get their games up to snuff on the Xbone. 3rd parties let their shittiest 3 coders do a shit portjob on the PS4 and rely on the PS4's brute strength to bulldoze through their unoptimized code.
Devs use every single optimization trick to get the Xbone running "acceptably". The Xbone is already hitting its peak. The PS4 has barely begun utilizing its full power. When a 3rd party like Kojima studios tries to atleast utilize PS4's full power, THEN you'll see big differences. 720p on Xbone vs 1080p on PS4. PS4 runs at stable 60 FPS while Xbone runs at 30-60 variable FPS. Xbone has vastly lower graphical settings.
Until 3rd parties stop their parity bullshit, you'll never see the true power gap between the two consoles, and that's what MS would rather want. They rather you think the Xbone isn't that much weaker than the PS4 when the two are generations apart in power. It's sad, but all the more reason to cheer that Xbox is failing. MS is a bad influence on the gaming industry and it's best they leave.
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