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10 More Things That Piss Me Off

1. When a publisher takes a mediocre game, gives it no advertising, and then sells it for $50 (or maybe $60). Who in hell is going to buy this game?! Nobody has heard of it. It's not even that good. Two examples of this are Devil Kings and Sniper Elite. Ever heard of them? They came out last year. For $50. At least give them a budget price!

2. When you're playing through a game, having a grand old time, and then you get to a hard as nails boss battle. There is nothing I hate more than an excruciatingly difficult boss battle midway through a game.

3. Movies that have a kid ten or under who saves the world. It's never going to happen, so just quit it already.

4. People who hate puzzle games and never even tried them. Oh, moving blocks is for queers, I want to rip off headshots! n00b! Puzzle games are the most addicting genre, especially on handhelds, and are TONS of fun. Just look at Lumines.

5. Those tough guys who go watch Hostel, or the Amityville Horror, or some other horror movie and then say, oh, that didn't scare me. You practically crapped in your pants, pansy.

6. Autograph books. Any person who wastes a whole book dedicated to getting Mickey Mouse's, Barbara Striessand's, and Mel Gibson's autographs should go stick a toaster up their @$$.

7. Cold sores. Those things hurt like hell, man!

8. People who say totally tubular, golly, or swell. Go stick a blender up your @$$.

9. When British people say that I don't speak English, I speak American. It's the same frickin language. Those people should go eat some tea and biscuits.

10. Neo Nazis. Do they piss anybody off also? It also pisses me off how the government allows them to worship Hitler and block roads and crap like that. When you see some, pull a Blues Brothers and drive right through them so they go flying off a bridge and their floppy hats get wet.

That's it for this week, I'll post more when I thing of some. (I had to censor @$$ otherwise I'd lose 10% off my current level.)