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10 Things that Piss Me Off

1. Uwe Boll. He has not made a single non-crappy movie (Bloodrayne, Alone in the Dark, Blackwoods), yet he still is getting a ton of money and is directing a new film, called Dungeon Siege.

2. When people call the Xbox 360 the "Dreamcast 2". I'm not a big fan of the 360, but still, there will never be a console as crappy as the Dreamcast. The 360 already has some awesome exclusive games (Dead Rising), which the DC did not have.

3. When people buy an IPod so they can look cool carrying it around. You know who you are.

4. When people say that they are going to buy a 360 because the PS3 is too expensive. If you want the HD-DVD drive, its another $200 plus $50 a year online.

5. When reviewers say that games are too short, yet it takes more than 10 hours to finish them. One critic even said "...Grandia III clocks in only at about 35 hours long, which is a disappointment..." Am I the only one who likes 10-15 hour games?

6. When game developers feel that their levels look empty, so they throw in tons of unbreakable, unmoveable boxes!

7. Escort Missions. There have only been a handful of good ones ever thanks to your escortee running off or directly into your line of fire.

8. How there are "Fantasy Football Experts" on ESPN. Ooh, I'm a fantasy football expert, so sign me up so I can be on national TV, make millions of dollars, and be wrong most of the time!

9. When people say that they were disappointed by a crappy movie based game. Only a few good movie based games (Chronicals of Riddick, Spiderman 2) were ever made. How can you have high expectations for Da Vinci Code or Monster House the game?!

10. When I run out of toilet paper. You know, that last person just "forgot" to change the roll and now you have nothing to wipe yourself with after you make a massive explosion.

There will be more of these things that piss me off next week or so.