Here are just some interesting things that happened in the first 2 weeks of school:
1. My engineering teacher had her 50th birthday so there was a huge 2 hour celebration with no class at all! Yay!
2. A kid tried to start a Dungeons & Dragons club.
3. I found out that seniors are allowed to play Super Smash Bros. Melee and Guitar Hero during study hall. Damn them!!!
4. I slide tackled a kid in field hockey during Phys Ed. The gym teacher got pissed, but I just said I thought that was allowed.
5. I figured out that Mac's freeze more than PC's despite the commercial saying otherwise.
6. In a "video conference" with another school across state during history, a kid that was sitting right in front of the camera fell asleep. It was hilarious.
7. Today was the school's Use Chopsticks Because You're a Ninja Day! No joke. I'm not very good with chopsticks.
8. Some seniors bring food from Wendy's or Taco Bell and sell them for like $5.00 but everyone still buys it because my school's food sucks.
9. When an upperclassmen tells you that his homemade hot dogs are only a dollar, do not buy them!!!!! Oh my god, I'd rather be crapped on by a sumo wrestler than eat anyone one of those!!!
10. I have this teacher who is literally AFRAID OF THE COLOR PURPLE. If anyone wears it he actually covers his eyes and tells them to weara spare t-shirt from the nurse for the rest of the period.
11. Everybody hates Uwe Boll as much as I do.
Oh yeah, I also beat SOCOM Fireteam Bravo and Gun, and rented Daxter, which kicks ass. Later all.