buckizard / Member

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Drawn back into Warcraft

So like the commercial, WoW has sucked me back into the Lich. After getting a new computer (Alienware 750i) and hooking it up to my 47", I jumped back into gaming online. My first stop back in WAR showed the guild I was in had broke up and scattered. I went around a little on my 35 Engy and quickly logged off and rolled the new class Knights of the Blazing Sun. Even this couldn't keep my interest, unguilded in a game heavily dependant on groups.

My son kept bugging me about also getting back into WoW for the Lich King and I decided to try. Four 70s and many years of playing was a bit too much and we both upgraded our accounts to Lich. Even though I wanted to see the new content on one of my 70s, I rolled a Death Knight, loaded up Questhelper, and went to work. After whipping through the awesome DK starting area, I headed for the Outlands, where I had already grinded four toons through. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. The DK is incredibly powerful if played right and I believe I'm playing right. I ignored questlines and went straight to leveling with unrested exp. I hit zones briefly, grabbing quests and heading out quickly. I've never reached 68 so fast and headed straight for Northrend and new content.

Northrend so far is awesome. Not too much variety in terms of what the quests are about but I also haven't ventured too far and just touched most of the initial quests. But my son has been hitting the new zone and they sound huge and leveling slow. Than again, could just be his fury warrior and probably a lot more downtime than the DK which literally has zero down time when questing. So almost 69 and no regrets coming back to the game I said I would not return to. Thanks Blizzard for both putting out a good game and also cursing me once again.