I have both consoles but i can't decide which one to buy dragon ge for. The reason I am thinking about getting it for the ps3 is because my 360 sounds like the disc drive it about to die. I have already had red ring once and e74.
But I know the 360 seems to get download content faster then the ps3 which can somtimes take months to get , fallout 3 being one example!
Please no fan boys in this thread, I know there are a few mature people who post on this forum.
Just wondering how long it takes to be repaired? I'm in the UK. I got e74 and then after turning it off i then got 3 red lights lollol. Madness. Come on MS get your arse in gear and sort out your hardware!
I'm not saying this because I'm a fan boy, because I'm really not! I enjoy technology but i think that while blu ray was a good idea i think that SD cards the usb sticks will be used eventually as the main source of storage for games HD movies etc. I think this is the direction the net xbox will take. Because as the games are advancing they are going to need more storage room! And the dvd is not going to be able to keep up. Also downloading will eventually be the next big thing also. But this is only what i think, Does anybody else have the same opinion?
I keep getting this messages every time i try to get my xbox360 repaired. Could this be because i have already request and canceled it 2 times? (this was due to a busy work schedule) ??
Cani call M$ before it gets the 3 reds or do i have to wait, It started to crash on fallout 3 loads. GRRRR just as the damn DLC is about to come out :(
The fan seems to be going crazy at the moment, Its never made thia much noise! Also it keeps crashing when starting up. It is in a cool place and its well venterlated. Is this sign of RROD :(
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