its coming out tom morning in Australia. im soooooo stoked i cant even sleep. But eb games said. you had to pre order to get it. and its not even going on display. Oh well it has world wide play so i can always play with the Japanese.
buenview's forum posts
It depends what kind of games you like, Have you ever played an MMORPG like worlf of warcraft? This is the best closest thing the handheld is gona get for a while. If you do like those kinda games one big thing that makes it a really popular genre is because of the live co-op. Basically if you liked Monster Hunter on the PSP you will like this more. This game will support Infrastructure mode so you can play with people anytime provided you gota hot spot. I'm not sure if the infrastructure mode will be cross region ( here's hopinh), so you can play with asia and europe australia as well. ON TOP OF THAT!!!!! the replay value of this game is phenomenal. You know how in MMORPG if you finish the game content there is always PVP to get you hooked. Well PSP2 is gona have some head 2 head, team battles solo battles capture the flag etc. So even if you finish the story mode, there is still reason to hunt gear (another great aspect) to up youreself versing others. I think this game will be better than monster hunter portable 3 coming out early 2011. Even if monster hunter finally supported infrastructure co-op outside japan they still dont have a PVP aspect. I already lined up all my games to be sold to trade for this game (jobless atm). If i had a choice between not eating for 3 days or not playing phantasy star portable 2. ill choose the former.
Thanks guys. So have you guys watched it? Is it a good delinquent style anime?
I have PMd him a few hours ago. He could be afk.
I just copy pasted the picture i don't know if youll see it.
If not this, thinks link
the poster's name is WestCoastDon, He's sign were there are a bunch of high school thugs. Anyone have any idea what anime this is?
Is this the one? . So it's not about thugs?
Hey westcoastdoan what anime is that in youre Sign? looks cool i might watch it.
How do you get forums updates eg. sum1 just posted something on the forum u were posting on? Do i always have to check manually? Or is there a way to get a notification that sum1 has replied?
phantasy star portable 2. Think of it as the first mmorpg esque game for the PSP. It's co-op infrastructure.
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