:cry:we lost our football game...:cry: something to zero:shock::cry:
but i got the play of the game for our team. hail mary pass but the guy was in front of me so he got me before the touchdown but still8) our QB got off his game becuz they were bigger and only gav him 2 seconds...:|so he threw like 3 interceptions...:?
does anyone hav a whole bunch of homework...
i do and i hate it. i hav 2 projects to do (even though one is a video and was fun to make), 2 essays, and 3 worksheets all due by thursday...:?
FACT 7: I've only played Halo 3 twice. :shock::o
i don't hav a 360 and when i go to friends houses we either play airsoft or football or basetball. i like it even though i'm a total noob! haha:lol: