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Metal Gear Rising 360 Bound, Let it be known

Ever since the PS3 was first announced, Metal Gear Solid 4 was in development to be the systems
Flagship game. It was THE reason to own a PS3, Its Metal Gear Blu Ray for god sakes! I do infact own a PS3, I downplay the system alot, mainly because Its a system that does not interest me enough to build a library for it. Before owning a PS3, I had a Nintendo Wii. Long story short, My boss needed a Nintendo Wii for his kids so they had something awesome. He was a huge supporter of Sony, But was disappointed in the PS3. He likes the 360 mainly because its very convient for him apparently? He offered me a straight up fair trade. My Nintendo Wii for his PS3. I took that deal. And at first I played it alot. I mainly played Warhawk and a little bit of Heavenly Sword...which was repetitive...but awesome. Then it collected dust until Metal Gear Solid 4 came out.

I played the **** out of that game until I had EVERYTHING. The game is just too sweet. I still play it to this day....granted I skip the cut scenes now, except for the last three, because they are way too long. While I played this game, I really thought to myself, "Wow, 360 owners are really missing out on something amazing here." Metal Gear Solid 4 is a very very, touchy group of combined words on this website's user and fan base, Which are 85% Fan boys. Just the sheer amount of aggression and hostility they show towards each other amazes me. Now, It obvious no one on here, except for the few intelligent beings, can handle ball busting.

Sony Fan Boys and 360 Fan boys are...well....Its like, just picture The Ultimate Warrior getting ready to fight Jack Bauer, Sony is like Warrior Insanely huge, and filled amazing technology, where the 360 is Like Jack Bauer, It has huge back up money wise and has tons of use for repairs. Every PS3 Fan boy had this to say.

"MGS4 Will never come out on 360. The 360 won't be able to handle it"

Who's to say now? Now that Metal Gear Rising is official, Who's to say sometime in the future, Konami decides to release an updated version of MGS4 like they've done with the previous 2, and say "You know what? Metal Gear Rising sold a lot on the 360, we should release it on there too" Granted, it would sell a lot for PS3 as well, Because There are some people in Japan, who actually own just a 360 and have been waiting for some kind of table scraps of news of a possible MGS for their redheaded 360. They have a whole new fan base right there, It would definitely be possible to make Metal Gear Solid 4 for the 360, using whatever engine they make for the 360's Metal Gear Rising. Since they have some form of a Metal Gear Solid engine in the works for the 360, Metal Gear Solid 4 IS possible for the 360. This isn't the fan boy in me, its just instinct. Metal Gear ******* Solid 4 for the 360 is a possibility now. A Ton of units will be sold for both consoles for both games. I'm writing this work, during a suspension for three days from this website, So what ever Hideo Kojima has planned for the PS3 will sell equally as well indeed. But if they ever decide to do an updated Metal gear Solid 4 with additional content, It is possible for the 360, All they would do, is tweak their 360 MGS engine so its somewhat similar to the PS3's. Both updates if created, will sell a lot of units
for both systems.

Hideo Kojima is not selling out, as some PS3 owners have said. He is reaching out to an entire new fan base with this amazing saga. He will make a ton of money, But he is also doing it for the fans as well. Not because Microsoft "paid him off" as some of you are saying. Its not like Hideo is turning his cheek to the PS3, because what ever he has planned for the PS3 is going to be big for the PS3 owners, PS3 owners are going to feel the same amount of joy and excitement as the 360 owners felt when Metal Gear Rising was announced. Why is Metal Gear Solid having a game on the 360 so bad? Why? I really want someone to give me a full detailed answer and WHY ITS BAD for Hideo to put a MGS game out on the 360. I don't want a response about technology and such, because Metal Gear Rising engine would be tweaked so they could get a Metal Gear Solid 4 for the 360. I want someone to tell me why its so bad and wrong for the 360 to get a little MGS love? They aren't even asking for 5, They just want Guns of the Patriots. One thing about those people that complain and moan about MGS4 and the 360 subject, is they are just in denial at this point. I really shouldn't even let this get to me, But my god....some of the people on this website are beyond inane and insane. MGS4 and the 360 will always be a rumor that lives, because it is now possible. It just depends if Hideo Kojima wants to do it.

Its funny how this


Makes PS3 Owners do this

cryingPS3 Fans

PS3 owners really shouldn't be mad that the 360 is getting a Metal Gear Solid game. Just like 360 owners shouldn't be mad if Dead Rising 2 a sequel to a game that was an exclusive to the 360 is getting some PS3 love. Look at the Final Fantasy franchise, that was an exclusive to Nintendo for the first 6 entries, not to mention the old school Gameboy games. Castlevania was exclusive to Nintendo for a little bit before it branched out onto other systems. Even Metal Gear, which story started out on the MSX2 before moving the titles to Nintendo. Nintendo actually helped Metal Gear and Solid Snake gain his fame, Nintendo was Solid Snakes stepping grounds for gods sake, until they created the Metal Gear Solid sage for Sony. Exclusives are good and bad. Its good for Companys, because it gives other competition, and its bad for the Gamers like 360 owners for example who have to miss out on such an amazing peace of artwork. In my view, The only games that should be exclusive to a system, is the games that Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft create and develop THEMSELVES. 2nd and 3rd party Developers should branch out and create characters and stories that can be remembered by all gamers for the years to come.

Every time someone brings up Metal Gear Solid 4 and the 360, People say "It would be like, 7 disc long" Yeah, it would probably be 2 or 3 at the most. BUT...last time I checked, mostly everyone on here, Doesn't work under Hideo Kojima, They don't know anything about creating a game, they don't know anything about coding and programming. Now that Metal Gear Rising is official and under development for possibly both the 360 and the PS3, Metal Gear Solid 4 for the 360 is possible, and It might not even be multi disc. What do you think Konami is going to do? They are going to use the main Metal Gear Solid 4 engine and enhance on it and tweak it, so Both systems get somewhat the same equal amount of processing power and awesomeness. Mark my words, The 360 will see Metal Gear Solid 4 before a new Xbox comes out. Mark my words.

PS3 owners can be mad all they want. But a lot of 360 owners like myself, have said in the past. that the 360 will get some form of a Metal Gear Solid. PS3 owners have said "No way, Even if it does, it'll be 7 disc long" Hmmmm......Metal Gear Rising is coming out for the PC, PS3 and, 360. That's three platforms. They are obviously going to use what they used to create Metal Gear Solid 4, and write a new story out, with some new body animations. We shall see if "the technology" used to create Metal Gear Solid 4, The main backing point that PS3 and 360 Fan boys argue over, can be up to par with the PS3 and possibly....*gasp* ONE DISC and play smoothly on the 360. Here is one comment I've read from one user on here

Posted Jun 3, 2009 10:38 pm GMT
LOL Konami and Kojima have fooled EVERYONE. Think about it how can mgs rising be a real mgs game. First of Kojima is not writing the story for it, cuz he's writing the story for mgs peace walker for psp. Second so far every mgs game has been labeled "tactical espionage action" but mgs rising is labeled "lightning bolt action". Third just watch the sony press conference with Hideo Kojima, he himself says, "mgs peace walker is the next sequel in the mgs series". MGS rising will have nothing to do with the series. Konami is just making a game with the name "mgs" so 360 owners will go out and buy it thinking its a real mgs game. And the reasoning behind all of this is to make money for konami. Kojima would never want to **** of the mgs fan base."
Did you even read Konami's press article?

Right after the teaser for Metal Gear Rising, Kojima himself said that It will be a STEALTH ACTION GAME. What do you think The other Metal Gear Solid games are about? STEALTH and ACTION. The whole Lighting Bolt Action is basically Raiden's personality, His perspective of the world is dark, while his body is powered by an exoskeleton that does a lot of impossible feats that can only be seen in....*drum roll* Action Movies. Nobody didn't complain when Metal Gear Solid got a PC port. Did anybody complain when Metal Gear Solid 2 got an Xbox port? No. Hideo Kojima wasn't trying to piss off the MGS fan base, He didn't piss them off when he released those two ports for two different console's, that were originally Playstation and Playstation 2 exclusive. He was doing a business move that EVERYONE does, and He's made money because of it, and what does that hard earned money lead to? A nicer house for him, and the creation of another awesome game in the process. Funny thing is, I don't see the PS3 owners giving the PC owners crap about them getting a Metal Gear Solid. 360 isn't giving the PC any problems with their grasp on a Metal Gear Solid game. One observation I've made, is that Fan Boys and their little "Civil War" is kind of like Blacks vs. Whites. PS3 owners don't like 360 owners and vice versa for the 360. All they do is cry and complain when something doesn't go their systems way. Its pathetic. the worst people on here are the ones who get you're account suspended by exploiting this websites bogus moderating systems and further cementing their status as an oversized baby who still lives in their mothers basement.

Seriouslly people. If 3rd party games remain exclusive to one system, Then we all lose. What if Microsoft and Sony for some unknown reason go under tomorrow and Nintendo is left standing, Because lets say, Nintendo had Epic Games, EA Games, Square Enix, Rockstar and Konami signed under a contract where they can only make games for their system? We would get fed spoon fed crap, because Nintendo wouldn't put any actual effort or pressure on any of those companies into their games because theres no Sony and Microsoft for them to compete against. Look at Vince McMahon and the WWE, a corporate empire thats slowly dying and losing ratings every week, because theres no ECW and WCW, legit known competition around, for them to even start giving a damn about their fan base and start putting out decent material again. Metal Gear Solid, finally on the 360, its happened like everyone predicted it would. Its not Metal Gear Solid 4, But its still a Metal Gear Solid game, that PS3 owners latch onto like a security blanket. They are mad that the 360 is going to be getting this game, But hey, If they are really that upset about it, then they would actually revolt and not buy the PS3 version because of this "sellout" move...BUT.....They aren't going to do that. PS3 and 360 owners need to take stuff like this not only as men, but as gamers as well. Isn't the whole point of the Gaming Industry is to help the industry spread and become bigger so we can get better advancement in both games and fun?

I close this entry with these words.

God bless you Hideo Kojima. I applaud you for finally realizing that you have a fan base in the 360 and they will accept this new game that I'm sure will be amazing with open arms.

[Update, June 6th 2009]

Apparently Square Enix is considering Final Fantasy 14, The once exclusive for game for PS3, which was announced for the PC a day after its announcement, for use for Microsoft Hardware. I wonder why? Could it be the fact that the 360's online community is bigger then the PS3's? Here is another "Intelligent" user who for some reason got a few thumbs up.

Posted Jun 3, 2009 9:50 pm GMT
you know if they put this on the 360 I would feel bad for them because the got to pay for xbox live and then the online for FFXIV HA sucks to be them . it is actually cheaper for the PS3 and thinking about this, it funny how Microsoft rips people off because when you buy a 360 you got to pay for Xbox live which is $50 a year, if you want wireless internet you pay $100, and if you want to buy a bigger hard drive you can only buy theirs in the long run you save money on a PS3 and that is the truth people must open their eyes if not you just dumb and FFXIV IS GOING TO BE AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hmmm....You do realize that most people who work, whether its you or you're parents, make anywhere from 15,000 and up a year from working depending on their job right? 50 dollars from the 15,000 a year you make, which by the way is a very decent amount of money is all it takes to get an online community that has people who actually use voice chat and converse with one another, to great movie selections, interface, and awesome servers. Microsoft System updates, literally one take 20 to 30 seconds. PS3 system updates take about one to two minutes. PS3 may have the power, But Microsoft has the better Online Technology. Also, They said they wouldn't use the Sony Online, which is actually smart, Because I don't like being forced to have a credit card on file just to play a game. They will probably go the Blizzard and every other MMO way, and do a time card system through the market place and PSN.

Buffs Corner : Gaming in the Dreamcast Era

Gaming in the Dreamcast Era

So, I figured i would take a break from my Ultimate Warrior like blogs to discuss a very under rated system. Atleast in my eyes. I had the pleasure of being locked in my basement for 4 hours...drunk, due to my roommate locking the basement door because he thought it would be funny. I had no cell phone to call my girlfriend to come down from the bedroom and, I didnt wan't to kick my door in. Being locked in a basement would usually mean being the worst thing to ever happen, But then again, My basement serves its purpose as my game room where i have a pool table and an old school floor model TV set up. WHats on top of that TV you ask? A Sega Dreamcast. People can hate on the Dreamcast all they wan't, But lets face it. Dreamcast had the best marketing campign...9.9.99. Everyone was swipt up in Dreamcast mania. The Dreamcast's launch was so successful, that most stores sold out and couldnt restock for a couple weeks, Hell, they sold out of preorders. But, like with every other great console's launch, flaws are always bound to come and make you wan't to throw that noisey white box out of you're window or even make you wan't to punch a baby.

Some launch games like Sonic Adventure and Blue Stinger wouldn't load on the Dreamcast even after multiple tries. I remember trying to load Sonic Adventure up three times and it finally loaded after the 4th restart. House of the Dead 2 didnt come with a Light gun, You had to pay extra for it. The VMU's were pointless...But besides those flaws and unecessary gimmicky things, The Dreamcast was probably the most under rated system. It helped push online console gaming to becoming closer to a reality, and it was also one of the first consoles for homebrew content like DreamSNES, MAMEcast (As i like to call it) and Segacast (Genisis Emulator with over a 1,000 games on it). It was also an Importers "Dream", with an easy to creat boot disc, You could play the japenese version of Shenmue before it hit the streets just by simply doing a disc swap.

Dreamcast was also the Undisputed Champion when it came to fighitng games. WIth games like Marvel vs Capcom and Marvel vs Capcom 2, along with Street Fighter 3 Third Strike and the Power Stone series, plenty of bloodshed and mayhem was to be had by all. Today, the Dreamcast controller looks like an uncomfortable lunky peice of crap, But if you ask anyone whos played a Dreamcast what there favorite game was, You will most likely hear Marvel vs Capcom 2. I thought the D-Pad was perfect for pulling off Hadoukens and Syorukens. Another great multiplayer game was Spawn in the Demons Hand, with over 37 McFarlen creations to choose from, It would never get old chopping each others heads off or maiming Spawns former self. The only thing Dreamcast didnt have was Final Fantasy 8, which was released a week later...which I of course went out and brought. But besides that. The Dreamcast was the ****. The Dreamcast was also apart of Resident Evil history by being the only system to have a new Resident Evil game released on its console. Resident Evil Code Veronica was ported over to the PS2 and Gamecube i believe a year or two later.

Before there was WoW, there was Phantasy Star Online, Atleast, that was the first MMORPG i've played before becoming a level 62 rouge *points and smiles while making a clicking sound at reader* Who could forget clocking in those long hours on Phantasy Star Online, or dreading being PKed by someone and getting you're equipment stolen? I don't. Hell, It was like the old west during those servers. Granted, Sega did show that by Phantasy Star Onlines success that maybe sometime down the road, Console gaming Online could be a possibility. Look at Xbox Live, thats the main selling point of the 360. I look at it that before Microsoft got fully into this Console War, that they first thought about Online Play and the Dreamcast came up in somebody's mind. THey just added more to that idea, and made it what Sega was trying to accomplish when it came to the online aspect.

Sadly, After a year, The Dreamcast after making around 10 million dollars, began to slowly die. Which sucked, Because around that time, a wrestling promotion in my home town of Philadelphia by the name of ECW was dying. Then, in March of 2001, the Dreamcast was offically dead. Most unreleased games were ether cancelled (Shenmue 2 was only released in Japan, but an English version was made for the X-Box) or, they found new homes on the PS2 and Gamecube. After only three years, The Little White Noisey Box with the Orange nose, went up to the Trade in Bin in the Sky. But, sometimes certain things develope a cult following. Independent game companies still dish out Dreamcast games...but you would have to live in Japan to get those. SOme games were still being made there as late as of 2009. The Phantasy Star Online serves ran, until they all were finally shut down in 2006. Even though Sega produces crappy games and Sonic Team no longers has their former glory, The Dreamcast will always be highly regaurded as Too Ahead of its Time, but...It showed that's usually a good thing.

After spending some time playing such oldschool ****cs as Marvel vs Capcom 1 and a Japenese version of Fire Pro Wrestling D, It made me reliase how old I am (23) and how entertained I was and still am with the Dreamcast and Sega Genesis. So whenever you log onto Gears of War 2 or sneak up and Break someones neck and teabag them in Metal Gear Online, please. Think of the Dreamcast

My first Hate Mail.

"From: Pugberto3122 Sent: Apr 13, 2008 8:30 pm GMT Subject: ...

your incompetence amazes me your facts are about as messed up as your mind and your opinion well no one wants to hear it because a COD fanboy saying Halo 3 is unoriginal is kind of ironic yes you think CODS are better but DUH honestly Microsoft had a huge success with Halo 3 as it is a much better overall game then COD and Gers of War The single player is not only 3 times longer but has more better waepons if you actualy know how to play it The online is ok but still pretty good COD had no replay value and the online was only fun for about a week Halo 3 is obviousl amazing and your ignorence amazes me that you haven't realizes that NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK so SHUT UP"

Ok, So. This was the first piece of hate mail i have EVER recieved. I did infact post on my profile where the stats and stuff are that if you send me hate mail, then you give me full permission to do whatever I want with it. With a name like Pugberto3122 and the fact that his avatar is five different shots of five different GUYS with no women to be found in that avatar what so ever, i shouldnt really care right what a foot fairy really thinks right? But then again, I thought about all the things he posted in the Halo 3 Legendary Map news section and couldnt help myself. On a personal note, This hatemail, along with future hate mail never gets altered. It takes the fun out of making fun of someone or proving someone wrong.

Before i even started my "Flame War" i read some things he posted and he would make fun of people for the grammar or that "They cant count" and he would even point out some peoples spelling errors, including some of my errors. Which Im usually full aware of, but too lazy to go back and change. Now, After reading what he sent me I found six spelling errors one not being a word that can be found nowhere in the dictionary (fanboy), no periods and, no proper enunciation. So its really just one big long sentence as opposed to the six paragraphs I said earlier in those same news post.

He tells me and us how great Halo 3 is and how great the multiplayer your letter you said that the Single Player Campign is awesome and the online is ok? Way to go on helping adding to the over hype that surrounds Halo 3 numb nuts.

"It has more better weapons"

Yeah, the "more better weapons" that were in the last two games. Wooooooow! A swooooord! How Futuristic! Instead of getting a sweat laser rail gun that can see through walls and shoot through those same walls killing the bad guys and innocent bystanders, we get a *****y watered down bootleg version of a lightsaber. "UH OH! Im getting ready to die! Better use my bubblesheild and make running for cover and waiting for my life to regenerate or reload like in the first two games and every other shooter completely obesolete!" If people are saying Call of Duty 4 is a noob game because of some of the "cheap stuff" it has, Then you can consider Halo 3 being a noob game for the simple fact that you can get a form of grenades that stick to people, the fact that you can use a bubble sheild when your getting ready to die during a deathmatch, and for the simple fact that you can literally jump six feet in the air. People complain about the Helicopters in Call of Duty 4 for auto killing people. Guess what? Its a Military Helicopter equipped with Military railguns and rockert launcers. Its doing what any other Military creation would do. HELPING ITS TEAM. The Helicopters in Halo didnt do anything. All they did was get shot down, or they would drop you off and send you off to go fight midgets big whoop. Hell, You werent even allowed to shoot out of the helicopter when you can clearly see people fighting Aliens.

Most First Person Shooters today are mainly known for their online. So the campigns are usually very short or, not interesting at all or just bah gawd awful. Halo 3 was no different. I didnt even bother finishing the campign. I saw nothing new about it, It looked the same. And for the simple fact that Master Chief fell into the ground face first in the begining of the game just made me think "Wow, This guys a ****ing idiot. They should have thawed out Solid Snake and got him to this jack ***** job." Theres nothing appealing about "Master Chief". He's boring and unoriginal and, he has no "bad ***" appeal to him. Hey, if Halo 3 was so good, then it wouldnt be the sixth highest rated game for the Xbox 360. It would have been the first...but its number six. And im not going by gamespots ranking system ether. Granted, GTA 4 will blow this game out of the water sale wise considering the fact that its on multiplatform. As a GAME, GTA4 will probably make more money in its first week then Halo 3. Maybe Metal Gear Solid 4 will outsell Halo 3. Halo 3 couldnt even help the 360 break fully through to the japanese audience. That was left up to Blue Dragon and Lost Oddessy.

The only thing Halo related that might even be good this generation is Halo Wars, but i see Bungie ****ing up the strategy genre with Halo Wars.

360 still not back


I don't mind my PS3 at all but....Vegas 2 comes out and i need that in my 360's life. I dunno. After playing both consoles online, 360 is a superior due to....its not hard at all to join a game or start a game.

Warhawk's holding me off though until I get to go back to Vegas =-)

Eff Army of Two. Why would they give the Ambugiously Gay Dou guns and their own game for?!

Final Fantasy 7 is not the Greatest RPG.

(UPDATE: May 29, 2008 - If you retards failed to see half of the sarcasm in this article, Then please pour battery acid in your eyes. Granted Frog from Chrono Trigger and his masamune, would **** up Sephiroth and his tiny, scrowny Masamune.)

Why Final Fantasy 7 sucks.

I've always liked being a smart ***. For some reason i could never help myself to pick apart a user on Gamespot for their ability to be something i thought would be impossible for a gamer....A rambling moron. Now I love RPGs dont get me wrong. Do i like how they evolved gameplay wise? No. Most battle systems are garbage and..well, come to think of it most RPGs out today suck. Only decent ones are on handheld platforms....anyway, So where did these rambling morons first appear from? Final Fantasy 7. Thats where. I can't read anything when it comes to the Final Fantasy series without hearing about Final Fantasy 7. What was so good about it? I remember when it first came out I brought it, played it, beat it in a month, and its been sitting in my box in my garage for the last 11 years. I still think about the popeye the sailor man arms and laugh. I also loved how they made Barret a stereotypical urban skinned brother. The main hero was such a wuss burger too. What the **** kind of name is "Cloud"?

"Ohhhhhhh! My Names Cloud! I was once one of the Top ranking officers(For some reason Gamespot see's "cl*ss as a cuss word.) for Shin-Ra but i really lead a lie and i couldn't cut it, so i was patrol *****."

So he lost his memory, So instead of walking it off like a man, He stole his best Friends life. Some hero. pfft. The characters are beyond annoying. Especially Aries or the other billion names that broad goes buy. She was weak. I never had her on my team. All she would do is whine like all women about being the last this, Boyfriend that, flowers here, blah, blah, blah.

FLOWERS ARE DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMB. Why should i have to give that money grubbing broad money for something that's going to die on my way back to the bar. Lets see...A Flower or a Beer? Beer it is. I was so happy when Sephiroth killed her. That was the only cool thing he did. If she was so strong and could bring about Holy, then why couldn't she have moved out of the way? Wait, Why couldn't Cloud have pushed her out of the way...or better yet...use a Phoenix Down? I'll tell you why, Because he got tired of having some weakling running away from a battle with her skirt up. as a matter of fact, ALL OF THOSE CHARACTERS ******. Even Sephiroth was corny. He was by far the worst villain ever created. All he did was **** and moan about his Mom. "OH BOO HOO!!! MOMMY! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!! IM A DISAPPOINTMENT TO AN ENTIRE RACE I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH!! BOO HOO!!!!!!!!!." His sword was so pathetic looking. It look like a long shriveled up know where im going with this. Ill tell you what though. Frog's sword...THE REAL MASAMUNE was bad ***. That sword was the definition of a real manly weapon. Frog would cut down mountains with that sword and create an entrance for himself and going to Magus' castle and whooping his ***. Frog should have been the main villain of Final Fantasy 7. That game would have been so much more sweeter if he was.

The entire world depended on such a *****. "Cloud!! HELP US!!!!!!! THEY SUMMONED A METEOR!!!!!!!!!!". Whats a punk wussburger like Cloud going to do to something that's 500,000 times bigger then him? Oh wait...He didn't do anything. a bunch of green **** came up from the ground and saved the world. That's what happened. Cloud couldn't even get the job done on his own let alone with the help of his team of Newmans. And then you don't even get a reasonable ending. You just get the credits then a movie of three mangy mutts running around being typical dumb, worthless animals. You know, if i was the President of Shin-Ra, i wouldn't have relied on any of my dumb *** co-workers or a group of morons who make things harder for me and my company. I would have went with Ice T and Christoper Meloni from Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Two bad *** cops is the way to go. They get **** done. They don't lollygag around playing with each others swords. They ether just beat the **** out of you, or shoot you then, beat the **** out of you. I would have had them slaughter Cloud and his friends then send them to the crater, have them kill Sephiroth, then place two a nuke in the crater destroying everything and all of the Jenova cells within that area.

Final Fantasy 7 *****, Its dumb, Its Overrated and over hyped and all in all, the worst game Square Soft has ever created.