"From: Pugberto3122 Sent: Apr 13, 2008 8:30 pm GMT Subject: ...
your incompetence amazes me your facts are about as messed up as your mind and your opinion well no one wants to hear it because a COD fanboy saying Halo 3 is unoriginal is kind of ironic yes you think CODS are better but DUH honestly Microsoft had a huge success with Halo 3 as it is a much better overall game then COD and Gers of War The single player is not only 3 times longer but has more better waepons if you actualy know how to play it The online is ok but still pretty good COD had no replay value and the online was only fun for about a week Halo 3 is obviousl amazing and your ignorence amazes me that you haven't realizes that NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK so SHUT UP"
Ok, So. This was the first piece of hate mail i have EVER recieved. I did infact post on my profile where the stats and stuff are that if you send me hate mail, then you give me full permission to do whatever I want with it. With a name like Pugberto3122 and the fact that his avatar is five different shots of five different GUYS with no women to be found in that avatar what so ever, i shouldnt really care right what a foot fairy really thinks right? But then again, I thought about all the things he posted in the Halo 3 Legendary Map news section and couldnt help myself. On a personal note, This hatemail, along with future hate mail never gets altered. It takes the fun out of making fun of someone or proving someone wrong.
Before i even started my "Flame War" i read some things he posted and he would make fun of people for the grammar or that "They cant count" and he would even point out some peoples spelling errors, including some of my errors. Which Im usually full aware of, but too lazy to go back and change. Now, After reading what he sent me I found six spelling errors one not being a word that can be found nowhere in the dictionary (fanboy), no periods and, no proper enunciation. So its really just one big long sentence as opposed to the six paragraphs I said earlier in those same news post.
He tells me and us how great Halo 3 is and how great the multiplayer is...wait...in your letter you said that the Single Player Campign is awesome and the online is ok? Way to go on helping adding to the over hype that surrounds Halo 3 numb nuts.
"It has more better weapons"
Yeah, the "more better weapons" that were in the last two games. Wooooooow! A swooooord! How Futuristic! Instead of getting a sweat laser rail gun that can see through walls and shoot through those same walls killing the bad guys and innocent bystanders, we get a *****y watered down bootleg version of a lightsaber. "UH OH! Im getting ready to die! Better use my bubblesheild and make running for cover and waiting for my life to regenerate or reload like in the first two games and every other shooter completely obesolete!" If people are saying Call of Duty 4 is a noob game because of some of the "cheap stuff" it has, Then you can consider Halo 3 being a noob game for the simple fact that you can get a form of grenades that stick to people, the fact that you can use a bubble sheild when your getting ready to die during a deathmatch, and for the simple fact that you can literally jump six feet in the air. People complain about the Helicopters in Call of Duty 4 for auto killing people. Guess what? Its a Military Helicopter equipped with Military railguns and rockert launcers. Its doing what any other Military creation would do. HELPING ITS TEAM. The Helicopters in Halo didnt do anything. All they did was get shot down, or they would drop you off and send you off to go fight midgets big whoop. Hell, You werent even allowed to shoot out of the helicopter when you can clearly see people fighting Aliens.
Most First Person Shooters today are mainly known for their online. So the campigns are usually very short or, not interesting at all or just bah gawd awful. Halo 3 was no different. I didnt even bother finishing the campign. I saw nothing new about it, It looked the same. And for the simple fact that Master Chief fell into the ground face first in the begining of the game just made me think "Wow, This guys a ****ing idiot. They should have thawed out Solid Snake and got him to this jack ***** job." Theres nothing appealing about "Master Chief". He's boring and unoriginal and, he has no "bad ***" appeal to him. Hey, if Halo 3 was so good, then it wouldnt be the sixth highest rated game for the Xbox 360. It would have been the first...but its number six. And im not going by gamespots ranking system ether. Granted, GTA 4 will blow this game out of the water sale wise considering the fact that its on multiplatform. As a GAME, GTA4 will probably make more money in its first week then Halo 3. Maybe Metal Gear Solid 4 will outsell Halo 3. Halo 3 couldnt even help the 360 break fully through to the japanese audience. That was left up to Blue Dragon and Lost Oddessy.
The only thing Halo related that might even be good this generation is Halo Wars, but i see Bungie ****ing up the strategy genre with Halo Wars.