I bought a hat but its not a real life hat its a hat for my xbox avatar, the reason I finally gave into the corporate money making machine that is Xbox Live's Avatar clothing ranges is that i had 80 points left and thats how much the hat cost..
I think it's prettysnazzy
Anyway so I also watched the StarTrek movie today which was incredible thats two catch up movies in two nights for me now and both have been better thanI expected.
In the last peace of news for today i bought the Xbox Live deal of the week which is Magic: The Gatheringi was never a big player of Magic in real life the cards where just much too expensive butI did used to own Microprose's Magic game on the PC, the only thing that really bugs me in this game is the complete lack of a deck editor you have to usepremade decks. Also the game doesnt feature this card...
Thanks to www.sherdog.netfor the above image