Everyone else did it so here is my full Xmas Haul first of all I will cover the presents I opened and used before the big day
I got a blackberry 8130, but because I had no phone I had to get it early December
Fragments__ also bought me DJ hero but because I had such a bad day she let me open it
Now all the stuff I got on Xmas from Santa :P
I got 2 new games Left 4 Dead and Modern warfare 2(my original disk broke when Xbox fell over)
I got a Babyliss itrim so I can trim my facial hair easily and this shaver is absolutely amazing took me about 2 mins to do my whole face and the hair is nice and even ,I would recommend this to anyone looking for a trimmer.
I also got the zone 40 the wannabe Wii I spoke about in a previous blog
And finally I got an iPod touch 32gb(third generation) 2 free apple TV downloads and a £50 iTunes card which I used to by the following games for it, I also bought some songs as well
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Rolando 2: Quest for the Golden Orchid
N.O.V.A. - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance
I've only played Rolando before playing this but so far I have had so much fun with that and for my next purchase I'm going to get the zombies COD game for it.
I got a bunch of gift cards for various games stores the only problem is none of them come to the full value of the game and they are all for different game stores, honestly its almost like they never got together and spoke about this :P common family!!
Anyway I'm planning to use these to get bayonetta, darksiders and mass effect 2 for cheap which should be nice.
Oh and to the people who bought me the black shirts …thanks it was just what I needed 3 black shirts :roll:
for anyone as excited about mass effect 2 as i am below i have placed links for all the ****s reveal videos , unfortunately gamespot have yet to get them all so i will pass these out until they do
soilder- no teaser trailer yet but his special ability is the adrenaline rush , where he goes in slo mo and can get shots in easier