Ever since the day I played Street Fighter 2 on my friends Super Nintendo all those years ago the street fighter series has kept me enthralled, every new release of the game has been treated as a blessing from a higher power from the hyper edition that let us speed up the game right through to the amazing current gen street fighter 4.
In my 18 years with the game there is one thing that has always eluded me and that is the little details that make the multiplayer so good, sure I can hold my own against my real life friends who are no more clued up than me but take the game online and I can guarantee myself a rather sound beating at the hands of someone armed with the knowledge gained with months, weeks even years of practice.
When I recently bought HD remix, I game which I thoroughly love to play on my own or with my aforementioned clueless friends I stumbled across a button that said "how to play" for a few giggles I decided to check it out expecting it to have one paragraph about pressing the buttons and wiggling the stick but actually the little button introduced me to a world of street fighter that I had no idea about.
I'm going to list a few examples just to give you an idea of what I am talking about but doubtless some of you are probably more familiar than me with this.
- Cross-ups – essentially these are attacks which strike the opponent on the back and allow you to switch sides, making it difficult for your opponent to guess where to block and outing you in a close position opening them up for a throw or combo.
- Hit stun- after an opponent is hit they are unable to perform any moves for a few frames, the player can take advantage of this split second to execute another move and maximise the damage dealt.
- Links – moves that take advantage of the aforementioned hit stun by connecting together 2 moves directly after each other skipping the animation frames usually associated with the 2 movements, an easy example of this is a kens crouching strong punch followed up with a crouching roundhouse sweep though there are several more effective links.
- Combos – stringing together several moves from the characters repertoire that when performed in a sequence are inescapable. There are several different types of combo including the aforementioned link combos, super combos which enter into the characters super and chain combos which chain together several of the characters regular attack.
- Interrupts/cancels – the player interrupts his normal move with a special move allowing the normal move to hit and immediately enter into the special, the one example I could get was Guile's close standing fierce XX Fierce Sonic Boom combo. There are even several different methods you can use to do this.
There are most likely a lot of different techniques available within the game and I am making it my mission to learn these and also put them into practice.
However I have had difficulty coming to grips with these techniques through reading about them , what I am looking for is a video tutorial or even just some basic tips, if you can offer anything just leave a comment with the link or your own advice.