Where are the January sales this year? Has anyone else noticed a distinct lack of pomp and circumstance usually surrounding the shops in January? It's almost as if after all the great black Friday and post Xmas sales that shops are no longer interested in pulling in the shoppers from the streets.
For games in particular games that before Xmas where selling for half price and less have now returned to their recommended retail price. Here are some of my own personal observations:
Oh and don't even think about trading in your games this month stores like Xtravision, Gamestop and Game have reduced the value of any item that was on sale before Xmas to its lower sale value meaning that you will get £18 for modern warfare 2 and £14.70 for left 4 dead 2.Gears of war 2 however will net you a cool £3 :(
Gamers are getting seriously ripped off at the moment when it comes to trade-ins, now on a side not I wasn't actually trading in these particular games but when I brought some of my older game in I was offered such a ridiculous price I had to find out what a relatively new release would get.
It seems the only thing I can buy on sale right now is a new sofa or kitchen. So I'm putting it out there, what's the best bargain you've seen this January or are the shops in your area forgoing the traditional January sale?