Ok, exclusives was a bad word and probably said console exclusivity but apart from Hotline Miami 2 & Outlast which are on PC what others are there? I mentioned Destiny/AC Unity/Watch Dogs as multi platform but given that Watch Dogs and more than likely AC will have extra content on PS4 they are better choices.All the others are exclusive to PS4 last I heard
@DarkSaber2k Ok, exclusives was a bad word and probably said console exclusivity not including PC but given that it was reasons for PS4 over Xbox I meant that.
@Sevenizz Just for exclusives: The Order 1886, New Uncharted, Drive club, Hotline Miami 2, Rime, Resogun, Outlast, Killzone, Infamous Second Son. For Multiplatforms Destiny, Assassins Creed & Watch Dogs and that's just the ones off the top of my head. I've seen no reason to want a Xbox One more than a PS4
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