So,I've finally done it!
But one thing at a time,
First,I have secured all my grades 20 days before summer!That means I don't have to worry about any new grades anymore.Also,or more because of this news,my dad gave me money to buy myself a new game: Caesar IV!I know,I ain't GTA I,but it is also a fun game.Sometimes annoying,but very deep.The mainframe of the game is based on the 3 classes in Rome(Plebs,Eqiules and Patricians respectively) and every building requires a different class and every class needs different goods...(for example,you need fountain water for Patricians,for a fountain you need Reservoir water which needs Eqiules to work which need wheat which needs wheat farms which need Plebs to work...)But enough of time spent on the game and onto the next news...
Secondly,I'm going to Hungary!If I'm more specific,to Zalaegerszeg!We have a tournament from the 18th of May until the 21st of May and I wont be (90% sure) on-line for the time being.
Well,that's it I think,over and out!