GT4 is an awsome game if you ignore some of its flaws. First off the music is horrible. There are maybe two good songs in the whole library that the game provides. I woulnd't of minded the old soundtrack from GT3 but after over a year of delays you'd think they could do better.
Another problem is the A.I. it's so clueless of your car. It's like your car is invisible most of the time and they hit you without hesitation.
Arcade mode used to be cool but now its stupid. The only reason you would even do it is to play multiplayer. And why can't they have more than six car in a race? You'd think with the PS2's hardware you could at least get two more on the screen, it's dissapointing really.
Another disappointmen are the effects. While the basic effects are fine, what about a blue tinge to the exhaust when you use nitros, or maybe some actual tire marks in the grass. It seems that i've played older games that had better effects than GT4.
Well now that that's settled, everything else about the game is awsome, especially the car physics. I haven't felt so into a racing game since GT3. Especially when you brake, the dive feels so realistic.
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