This is the blog where i hate on MW2 truthfully and say why Bad company 2 is the best. Before i start though what is with my rank name? Flicky? SERIOUSLY? I am going to put this in catagories.
Amount of bull crap:MW2-The amount of bull in the multiplayer is amazing. First of all the kill streaks are over the top stupid. You have 2 enemy harriers in the sky plus a chopper gunner. That is crazy ridiculous and makes it impossible to win due to having so many things raining down on you. Also if i am blasting at someone first i think the should die first before me. ESPEACILLY if i am scoped in on them and they are blind firing. Another thing is the crazy bullet detection. I watched a few kill cams and their is a specific one i want to talk about. A guy is sprinting up stairs and a guy with a machine pistol is shooting at him. His crosshairs are behind him and the bullets are flying at the wall, and yet the guy running gets blasted somehow. The guy was screaming into his mic at how dumb the death was. BFBC2- i don't find to much bull with this game. The aiming is spot on and if i mess up i mess up. Only bull i find with this is the sniping in hardcore mode.
Glitching: As anyone knows their is constant glitching in MW2 and everyone gets pissed off about it. In Bfbc2 i have only seen 1 glitch but no one ever does though. It is when they stick a gun thriugh a wall and blast you. Other than that maybe a few instances with the knife failing to kill.
EPIC PLAY:In BFBC2 my friend and i have an epic boat chase. It was during the island level where the attackers attack with a bunch of choppers. During the first wave my friend and i had to take a boat to the crates due to the cjoppers being gone. I was on the back of the speed boat with myfriend driving. We passed another guy on a speedboat that was going to try to steal a chopper. We chased him for about 5 minutes with me bkasting at him and with wandering eyes seeing us and blasting at both boats. He was almost taken out by one of our teams choppers crashign and he almost tricked my friened into drifting on land. We ended all crashing on a small island where we had a short shoot out. I died but my partner revived me. In Mw2 i never get an epic moment like that. Closest i have gotten was camping with my friend and just picking people off.
Community-The community in bad comapny 2 is GREAT! Every one gets along for some reason and when people have mics we always have fun. In MW2 you have people screaming and being annoying. I mean good gosh do you have to start and argument with every guy in the lobby?
All in all this is why Dice and EA made the better game.