Was playing BFBC2. I got on the UAV (the mini chopper) and I heard an actual chopper outside. At first I thought it was the game, but turns out the military was moving some choppers or something. I kinda paused for a momment of clarity when it happened. Guy playing a game, where a guy in the game is playing a game where he flies a chopper, at the same time a chopper is flying outside where the guy is playing the game. Catch all that?Ninja_Zombie83Wait...what??? Who saw the chopper?
burstlimit514's forum posts
Most ironic thing for me was i was playig Infamous when my dog came up to me and shocked me 3 times...
There WILL NOT BE AN ONLINE COMPONENT! Developers already said god of war is for a single person only and an extra player would dampen the experience. Most likely a level add on or costumes.(Costumes suck since i can't get trophys wearing them,)
Pretty cool. Maybe some more addition and it would be great. But u serious 400gb!? Thats a lot.okay realsitcally only 4 ideas mentioned would actually be thought in in the future because mosts devs are lazy on their first project but for the sake of it
this is a game that is possible on the ps3 but will put you ps3 in fan 3 mode and will run your ps3 down hard it will use the 400gb blu - ray (did my research and it can run on all cirulating BD players) it will consiste of you start of being born in an cutscene then after that go to a screen that you customize a baby then you skip 10 years and start playing on the street and from their it's all great ai and availble USA on your ps3 you can runaway if you want to you can break the law but youll go to juvy might get that soap dropped on you . also you get jail sentences but their acceleratad to your last day . also you die you start over or you can resume the life of your killer. and your life is all in your hands you do what ever you want on the euphoria engine and Unreal 3.5 (it was realeased at GDC 09)
Don't worry i will. But i think that idea will hv to wait till the NEXT generation of consoles. since i plan to work with gaming when i go to college and if i get accepted to a company i will come here and ask for u to come to our studios. I sound way to confident :D[QUOTE="burstlimit514"]
And the cops get a call that someone is robbing a bank and say you are a police officer, you have to go to the bank and have a stand off with hopefully other players who are on and hopefully they are cops. If you are a cop and you see someone run a red light. Hit the sirens and go after them. If they stop, you give them a ticket and they have to pay it or a warrant goes outfor there arrest. Ifthey get caught on the warrent then they go to jail and that is a suspension in jail for a time of5-10 minutes for that.If they run and you catch them while you can call for back up, they can go to jail as well. I think it would be awesome. Only if a company would come to me for ideas. And if you see this game come out...remember everyone that I, remember that I, made it up.
I thought about doing video game stuff but it is really hard to get a job due to not many gaming companies compared to how many people want to do it. I am majoring in mechanical and energy engineering so I did have to take some computer programming classes and I really enjoyed it and I mean really enjoyed it. But it can get so frustrating that you rip your hair out. I am 19 years old and lets say it brought a tear to my eye when I worked on a code for 11 straight hours only eating once and cound't figure it out but when you do, it is the best and ultimate feeling in the world.
Wow... Well looks like i will hv trouble since i get really stressed out pretty fast. I hope i enjoy it also.
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