buttons2010's forum posts
Here's the ones I've enjoyed so far:
Blue Wish Resurrection
Edens Edge
End Effector and Dieslave
Just discovered the website shoot the core and its got me hooked! Any suggestions for any decent dojin smups? Looking for free ones that are not too difficult to get working (I'm not very technical).
Don't mind if they're horizontal or vertical as long as they're good!
I know they never made an Xbox game, its just that they were renowned for their Saturn FPS and seeing the popularity of this genre on the 360 I thought someone on this board might know.
Exhumed was quite an achievement for the system and their conversions of Duke Nukem and Quake were good to so I just feel that it is a shame that they weren't able to make a game for a more powerful console. I know they ported Exhumed to the PS1 and the PC (which was abysmal) and there was a prequel planned, but nothing materialised after that.
Not complainig at all, its a good thing! This lineup has re-assured me that the 360 was a good buy (despite having one break on me, at least I didn't have to pay for it though). I just hope that next year is as good, looking forward to Ninja Gaiden 2, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, GTA, Fallout 3and Fable 2 to name just a few.
That's not even taking into consideration the XBLA lineup! Only bad thing is that I got a disatation to do by May so I won't have time to play all these games!
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