I can dig that. No harm, no foul. It's good to get the proper info out. I have no issues with EA in general as I have tons of their games. I suppose it makes sense for EA to charge for extra for a used copy though. I was misinformed on the issue of charging for the sevice for new copies.
buttpuke's forum posts
Thanks for clearing that up SimoSays2541but you may want to try not being a douche next time.
I MUST rant about this...Why is EA charging players 1200 Microsoft points to download the Dynamic DNA feature for NBA 10 on Xbox 360? This is being touted as a CORE GAMEPLAY FEATURE, yet they are charging extra for it! Now, I jumped off the NBA Live bandwagon for good back in 2003 and haven't looked back since (hello NBA 2K) but I'm still infuriated that they are gouging gamers who put down $60 (plus tax) for the game that was advertised, ALL features included. Every bit of press I have seen for Live this year has revolved around the Dynamic DNA feature and not once was an extra fee mentioned. Frankly,this is some bulls***! Personally, I think it's a stupid gimmick that probably won't mean a whole lot to the actual gameplay. That is all the more reason to include it in the game's package price.
I am concerned that stuff like this will start a horrible trend. Why not charge extra for the playoffs, EA? Why not create games with a quarter of the levels that would normally be included, charge full price, and wait until the day before the game is released to put 3 more quarters of the game up for download and charge $16 a piece...
More than ever, I implore people NOT TO BUY NBA LIVE 10! If you really must (I understand because I loves me some video b-ball) then don't fall into EA's trap and pay extra for the Dynamic DNA feature. You're only hurting yourself in the long-run as the trend will continue if these greedy companies know that you'll pay extra for content that should be included in the retail price.
Let's see...friends, relationships, sleep, workouts, money, and the occasional virgin or goat.
Seriously, as an adult with a fairly demanding job gaming is a luxury. I've missed out on a lot of great games in recent years because I've had to stop sacrificing for something that may be fun to me but doens't really matter so much in the real world.
Well, I couldn't care less for online play. I don't really get down with that so I see no reason to lower the score for that. The lame quicktime button pressing sequences are all the rage in gaming these days but I really wish it would go away. I blame you God of War! They worked well in GoW but developers need to understand that the QT sequences are NOT a one-size-fits-all for games.
Regardless, the demo was awesome. The combat is on point and I can tell this one is gonna be a pure ass-kicking good time. No depth of story or love interests needed. I'll be dropping next months stripper money on a copy.
Yeah guy, $2 short and 8 years too late.
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