They're doing a closed beta of a kind of rewards system. I forget exactly what goes on but you get bonus MS points when you renew live subscriptions, buy marketplace stuff, and (I think) when you 1000/1000 GS a game.
buttslaya617z's forum posts
I've played all of them but Horde and my ranking would be Firefight, Spec Ops, then Nazi Zombies. NZ was only fun for a little bit; it's just a novelty. Spec Ops is much better but not that fun by yourself. And Firefight is awesome. Nuff said.
It's ten bucks
Be thankful you're even allowed to do it in the first place.
You're complaining about ten bucks?
Ten bucks is a lot to people with no job... :(
Well then, the last thing you should be focusing on is changing the name of your Gamertag.I'm not the OP. I wouldn't pay for something as stupid as changing your gamertag... plus mine is awesome.
It's ten bucks
Be thankful you're even allowed to do it in the first place.
You're complaining about ten bucks?
Ten bucks is a lot to people with no job... :(
i love playing mw2 on the 360. i will be doing great then all of a sudden start sucking like my sniper bullets sart missing and people sart noob tubing. i almost spiked my controller on the floor.
I've done that many times..Up to the point that when my controller vibrates, it shuts off.
I've grown use to it, yesterday in search I went
15/1 13/0 17/3 and k/d like that for around 10 matches then i started going 3/3 3/6 0/4 Frustrating, I also love it when It's a great shot but it doesn't kill them.
Gah, Or its a perfect knife or it didn't kill them or the models kill you from such a long distance, Sometimes the game feels a bit glitchy.
Oh also who loves getting 24 kills, 1 more for nuke, but then you die :) this has happened to me multiple times.
To your kill/death ratio thing, the exact same thing happens to me. I'm pretty good so I usually get k/d ratios like that, but then I'll have a not-so-good match which pisses me off and when I'm pissed off I do bad so I keep doing worse until I finally quit for the night. What's really annoying in the game to me is I'll be running around corners with an AA-12 and I'll see a guy and fire two or three shots into him but then he kills me and on the 'Kill Cam' it shows him shooting me before I even get a shot off. Now I'm taking a several-month cool-down break while I go through a few RPGs.
I would remove akimbo from #%@$*&! shotguns in mw2 multiplayer... or at least adjust the accuracy/damage/range so it's balanced.
I'm thinking it is a batch of data that is simply a complex packet of 0's and 1's. Which would make it simple to be accessed by any form of an internet connection. Also not to mention Microsoft does not own rights to the game, and Sega could very easily say "Make a demo of this game available to Xbox 360 users or we will not support your system". Microsoft doesn't own the rights to this franchise. So sorry for asking if it would be possible to get the demo without paying out of my ears for LIVE.
This is exactly the reason why Lemmings annoy me so much. You ask a simple question and they feel the need to go overboard and make you feel inferior. I just wish video games would go back to being fun and not such a stick up the wrong end to everyone.
creditability just took a shot right dont pay for demos on XBL. :?
based on your post it would seem that YOU'RE the one that is going abit overboard about this. you need to be connected online to get demos..plain and simple.
I know...I don't have a way or the means to pay for Xbox Live. Hence...why I can't get online with my 360. I know I can download the demo's via going to the website and using my Live account from my computer. I just don't know how I move the data from my computer to my 360 without an internet connection.
I don't have an ethernet cable to connect them, I don't have a wireless router for my 360. I have a Live account set up online for free and I have a flashkey. How do I make my computer download the file and then transfer it to the 360.
You don't have to have a paid subscription to connect online. There are Silver (unpaid) and Gold (paid) accounts. Silver accounts can still download demos, game add-ons, XBLA games, etc. unless the thing specifically says "Gold Exclusive". Unless you only have dial-up, you can still connect online. You can connect your modem straight to the 360, just google it.
Oh and by the way, I played the Bayonetta demo and it's not good. That's just my opinion though.
Ok i have the original GTA4 for my Playstation 3 and i was wondering if the DLC will ever come out for the PS3.
now i am very interested in buying the Episodes From Liberty City on Disc, And i was wondering do i need the original GTA4 on the 360? or does the game work without it? and if so are the episodes even all that great? i heard some pretty good things about? worht a 40 $$ purchase?
give opinions no talkin smack or anyhitng ok keep it clean ..Peace and thanks
1) No, the DLC isn't coming to the PS3, microsoft paid a ton of money for it to be 360 exclusive.
2) Yes, it's a stand-alone disc - you only need the regular GTA IV disc if you download it off the marketplace.
3) Reviews - BoGT (like what I did with the colors? lol)... TLAD - It's up to you whether you think it's worth $40
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