bwing55543's forum posts
Link would win. He'll use his trust Master Sword when it gets close and personal. At distances, Link can use his bow-and-arrow set, or he could use his Hookshot to bring Sora closer to him. Finally, a shield is better defense than a defensive stance with the Keyblade.
Light Arrows pwns all nOOBs
FF That Most Deserves A Sequel - Final Fantasy 8
FF That Shouldn't Be Part Of Main Series - Final Fantasy X-2
Best Port/Remake - None
Worst Port/Remake - None
Most Challenging FF Game - Final Fantasy 10
Least Challenging FF Game - Final Fantasy 8
Best FF Side Quest Game (e.g Crystal Chronicles, Mystic Quest, Tactics) - Tactics
Worst FF Side Quest Game (e.g Crystal Chronicles, Mystic Quest, Tactics) - None
Best FF Game - Final Fantasy 7
Worst FF Game - Final Fantasy 9
Least Entertaining Game- Final Fantasy 9
Best Male Character - Squall Leonhart
Worst Male Character - Tidus
Best Female Character - Rinoa Heartily
Worst Female Character - Yuna
Best Villain - Sephiroth
Worst Villain - Seymour
Best Summon (Specify which game the summon's from) - Bahamut (FFX)
Worst Summon (Specify which game the summon's from) - Carbuncle (FFVIII)
Best Music Final Fantasy 8
Worst Music Final Fantasy 9
Best Graphics Final Fantasy 10
Worst Graphics Final Fantasy 7
Best FMVs (Full Motion Videos) Final Fantasy 8
Worst FMVs Final Fantasy 9
Best Story Final Fantasy 8
Worst Story Final Fantasy 9
Best Battle System Final Fantasy X-2
Worst Battle System Final Fantasy 10
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