ert47 What I was trying to say was looking at the PSP titles that are considered ports the same could be said for the DS. I'm talking more about how they generalize the PSP titles such at GTA:LCS, Syphon Filter, Daxter, Tekken etc... These are not ports but most PSP games are considered ports, although when games like the new super mario brothers would be considered a brand new title and I really don't think it is. I think it's a good game but it's no different than remaking a classic in my opinion or an NES port. I just think they throw the word port around way too often when it comes to the PSP. Also the last time they posted an article talking about the issue with PSP one year later it was very simliar to this article and seems to be gamespots's theme when it comes to playstation products. They're either extremely misinformed or twisting the truth for the sake of creating controversy.
Let's play a game: How to provide misinformation on playstation products. 1. The PS3 is not selling? With the Highest Price tag of a game console PS3 is currently over 2 million in only 2 territories. If they weren't seeling they would still be at the 600,000 they were at in mid december. So even though you may hear they're sitting on shelves, they must be being restocked pretty quickly. 2. The Wii is outselling the PS3 therefore no one wants a PS3 or there's no demand for the console. Why do more people purchase a Honda over a Mercedese? That's because they can afford a Honda but given the chance and the money they would purchase a mercedes in a heartbeat. You pay for what you get. This is not a knock on the Wii but a big factor to why the Wii sells well is price, not just the arm waving. 3. The PSP is dead. xbox and gamecube took over 3-4 years before reaching an install base of 25 million, the PSP only took 2 years at a higher price point than both consoles. Although behind in sales compared to the DS, not only did the redesign help the DS but so did it's price drop. So without dropping the price or redesigning the system the PSP is still selling well. It all comes down to spin and who's spinning the articles. -The PSP and PS2 are both outselling the 360 on a monthly basis, which means there's no deman for the 360? - The DS is full of ports Super mario brothers, mario kart, metroid, castlevania, final fantasy. Here's my spin on my PS3 purchase. - For the features I wanted I got the most bang for my buck purchasing the 60GB PS3. The largest hard drive to hold all of my content with the option of upgrading to a larger hard drive without voiding my warranty and a feature allowing me to backup and move my content to the new drive built into the menu. Wireless built into my without having to purchase another $100 add on. Gaining the ability to watch High Definitiion Movies without purchasing an add on to clutter my setup, and being able to use HDMI, avoiding searching for a TV allowing me to get 1080p on an analog input. Using a single online ID without having purchase a subscription to play games online. Playing great games like Call of Duty 3, Resistance Fall of Man, Virtual Fighter 5, MotorStorm, and Free GTHD. The ability to use a keyboard and mouse to browse the web and send and reply to messages, as well as initiate video chat using my exisiting eyetoy. Every system out there has it's selling point, and regardless of what you read about the PS3 that's negative, it will continue to sell. The UK launch is less than 2 weeks away and production issues are fixed, all the negative press can't argue the sales numbers for the most expensive console still gaining ground. I own a 360 and since my PS3 purchase I've let my live subscription expire, and with the features as they are and as they are being updated I won't be renewing it. The the final nail in the coffin for my switch was Motorstorm, there is nothing as detailed or visually stunning on my other consoles, and this game came less than 4 months after launch. I'm extremely excited for what's next.
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