byrnesi's forum posts
PSN = Byrnesi
Current games include:
Assassin's creed
Spiderman 3 (what was i thinking)
Army of two
Call of duty 4
Guitar hero 3
Lost "the game"
Devil may cry 4
Virtual tennis 3
Burnout Paradise
Open to any friendship invites however i do already have a lot of friends so limited time only i guess :)
This update has now been released and to be trueful i would rather call it a down-grade. I don't know why but the game i feel hasn't got the same impact it did before the update. I noticed that they introduced the two maps we all wanted to play (showdown and wet works), and i was really looking forward to playing on these maps with the 12 player online. Instead however of liking these maps i find i often just just skip them.Also i don't know if they have done anything to the weapon side of things, but before the update i used to own everyone(40 kills and 5 deaths) and now compared to that i suck getting 11 kills and 3 deaths. What have they done? I'll tell you, they have madethebestonline game in the world one of the crappiest. Eventhough that is taking it abit extreme i find that im tending to sit down more with the family than playing on it, where as before i could leave the last point, i have also been experiencing more lag issues than i was before.
Please share your thoughts on this update becasue im intrigued to find out what other people think about it.
Mine Psn = byrnesi
Currently accepting all friends requests and i have most of the recent ps3 games to come out so if any of you want a game just add me.
Chocolate cake!
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