- Byshop’s Activity
They are different types of games for sure, but if you have Gamepass and you enjoyed the Divinity games then buying BG3 and getting Starfield on Gamepass seems like a no-brainer. Even if you don't g...
@Pyrosa said:Sony has learned its lesson, and the whole PSVR library is backward compatible here, right?They were pretty clear that it is not, which is unfortunate. Some of the games in this list are...
@rohanrocks88: Yes, I'd recommend finding a way to play the second PS2 version. It's unfortunate that there's no single real definitive version since the PSP version had added content neither PS2 vers...
@rohanrocks88: If it had anime cutscenes it was the original or FES. The PSP version likely didn't have the capacity since the UMDs were only 1.8GB and the original game and FES were on DVDs. For some...
@Gaming-Planet: I know some people liked a few of the changes they made for this version when it dropped on the PSP but personally I thought P3FES on PS2 was the definitive version.
@uninspiredcup: Yeah, the first one was a surprisingly solid movie overall. I don't even need to qualify that statement with "for a comic book movie".
@LJS9502_basic said:@joshrmeyer said: @nirgal: That's news to be. I've always heard a glass of wine or a beer has health benefits. Not saying you're wrong, but I'd be surprised if a small amount of a...
@eni232: You can look that up yourself if you want. Like I said, I gave you the benefit of the doubt that it's not what you meant but in the future avoiding name calling altogether is the safer bet.
@kathaariancode said:@eni232: Tobacco (nicotine) is definitely a drug and highly addictive and causes many many deaths.Exactly, these are all drugs. tobacco, alcohol, etc, are all drugs. The CDC esti...
@eni232 said:They need to have a special prison for those people. I started to smell that shit smell often when driving my car from idiots who smoke it in vehicles. How the hell are you allowed to do...
It does look like the Dead Space remake is updated more (for example the zero-G mechanic is what they used in 2 and onward and not the lame "jump from point to point" in 1) but I agree that it should...
I think it's fine. Obviously they have to make up a bunch of stuff since they don't have any rights to LOTR or the Hobbit (or access to the author without a Ouija board) so there's going to be a great...
This is basically the same post you made a couple days ago. Please do not make duplicate topics. If you didn't get a response to your first post, you may want to consider rewording the question becau...
It had some memorable bits like the "house" it was set in but overall it was a pretty mediocre film at best. Dropping the found footage format wasn't necessarily a bad idea but 2 was just a lame horr...
All of my cars have been from Japan (Toyota and Nissan) except my current one which is from the US. I really like Japanese cars but I enjoy not paying for gas more.
@shellcase86 said:@byshop: Thanks for sharing. Interesting info regarding recovery for me to keep in mind.Most people just do Lasik which I heard is much easier so my experience is probably not indic...
@shellcase86 said:@byshop: I'll probably go w/ lasers in a few years. How was the procedure in your experience?Good overall, but the procedure I went for was PRK vs Lasik which has a longer recovery ...
Neither. I had the lasers installed 6 years ago. But before that, glasses for the most part. I didn't get glasses until I was in my 20s even though I probably could have used them earlier. I didn't d...
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