yea it has 16player online with capture the flag, deathmatch and i think terretories but i forgetjude11
they really need more than that cause thats too basic
yea it has 16player online with capture the flag, deathmatch and i think terretories but i forgetjude11
they really need more than that cause thats too basic
[QUOTE="c-yber"]Wada, their president, has spoken out usually negatively about the Wii. Whether they like it or not they have to jump the bandwagon. Most of their success this gen is from the DS. What they have done on the PS3 and 360 has not met much success. They are making a big mistake in ignoring the Wii. FF: CC is can go two ways. It can be huge with proper marketing and hopefully this extended development shows some fruit or it will be like the GC version which I saw as lackluster and mediocre.
Square Enix's most profitable products last year were the Dragon Quest collectible card game, Dragon Quest IV (DS Japan only), and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP - mostly Japan since it was only out for six days in North America). FFIV and FFXII for DS also did well, but revenue is down 9.8%, profits have sunk 20.9%, and sales are down 41.1% in Asia - they're down 45.7% in North America .
Wada is out of touch with the industry.
If they made games that were actually worth it on the Wii they would see success. Companies like EA are making both hardcore and casual games and they doing great. Just because hardcore games arent doing as well in Japan does not mean you cant make good games on Wii. Wii is doing better in the US and Europe than 360/PS3 and has a better attach rate as well. Same with Sega they are doing well with both type of titles. Capcom is doing well but they need to do more orginal titles like Zack and Wiki. Activision is doing well with their casual titles and needs to create more hardcore titles. Ubisoft has good casual titles but is terrible with hardcore. Techmo looks like it has a good line up coming and THQ has an amzing lineup coming but they are not marketing it well.
My point is that the only thing holding back companies from success with hardcore and casual games on Wii is the quality of the development and marketing. There are no cases where a big game was released which got great reviews and was marketed well. There arent many cases of a good games that got good reivews that sold poorly.
Square Enix has underperformed on Wii and Wada and everyone else over there needs to realise its potential.
[QUOTE="qewrewq"]I guess you could use that excuse, but what expectations do you have exactly? do you expect the Wii to have the same level of third party support as the PS2 had or as the 360/PS3 have right now, in the future?
No, but i do expect more good 3rd party games to come out. they are starting too more often now though.
that one sentence right there has more meaning and use than this whole thread. The wii is getting better third party support.
[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]I don't see what SE's marketing plan is, they're making 20 FF games a month on DS, they are making titles for the 360 a console that has sold like 200k consoles in Japan, yet they've made basically nothing for the Wii.clicketyclick
When talking about the Japanese market, Wada said: "It's haphazard growth, if you like. Nintendo has been doing really well, and DS particularly is enjoying a great boom. But when it comes to games for core gamers, it's quite weak. Sooner or later core gamers will become impatient, and there'll be a point where 'real' games will resume growth, but it's not happening at the moment. However, for core games, the European and American markets are growing at enormous speed" .
Altogether, this is what I make of it: Wada views Square Enix as primarily a purveyor of "traditional"/"core" games. Looking at the Japanese market, he sees that there's little interest in the latest technology and all that so it's very haphazard and chancy, but in the West, there is a great interest in core games and the market is growing. Wada wants to get in on that growing market, and he views the 360 as having the exact kind of user-base that will help him succeed in pushing overseas sales of his mostly "traditional games" up to 80% of total revenue. Square Enix will make games for DS, but Wada doesn't think the Wii has yet reached a substantial core audience like the DS has and wants to wait it out a bit to guarantee that his games will succeed on that platform when they come out. This explains why SE is sitting it out with the Wii and fawning over the 360.
Wada, their president, has spoken out usually negatively about the Wii. Whether they like it or not they have to jump the bandwagon. Most of their success this gen is from the DS. What they have done on the PS3 and 360 has not met much success. They are making a big mistake in ignoring the Wii. FF: CC is can go two ways. It can be huge with proper marketing and hopefully this extended development shows some fruit or it will be like the GC version which I saw as lackluster and mediocre.
[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]I don't see what SE's marketing plan is, they're making 20 FF games a month on DS, they are making titles for the 360 a console that has sold like 200k consoles in Japan, yet they've made basically nothing for the Wii.Wintry_Flutist
Wii gets Chocobo Dungeon cause it suits the console.
time to use the sales game.
Obviously Chocobo Dungeon is not suiting the system well because its only sold a little over 100k.®ion=All
So far Square has not done much on the Wii while its support for the DS is rivaling what Square did on PS1 and 2. Seriously its amazing.
I think they have given more support to the 360 the funny thing is FFXI for the 360 has sold terribly almost or equal to Chocobo Dungeons.
Im not positive but I remember hearing that fF: CC was looking epic that it had changed up a but from the old CC and it was a lot more action rpg heavy and with a single player focus. This game better be amazing because they have been with it for quite some time now. I just hope they did not cancel it because so far their support for wii is pretty bad.
I wonder if Sega will somehow screw this up?helium_flash
current trends with sega would say yes esp sinceI doubt they could get Smilebit back in to make this game.
[QUOTE="c-yber"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"][QUOTE="CronoSquall"][QUOTE="starmetroid"]Why do we need a port of a game that is already playable on the Wii?gamer6464
"We" do not, if you are not interested in the idea, and it happens anyway, you can simply not buy it.
So you don't like new games?
You just want all previous games redone over and over?
for once in this lifetime we can agree Jasonguy
I dont know why people would prefer a port of killer 7 rather than a sequal or it being in NMH 2 which would be awsome.
For once in this lifetime? you only have 4 posts...
But I agree, we dont need ports/remakes of gamecube games seeing as they can be played on wii.
lost my password to my old account.
They're working as hard as they can. Developers won't get the dev kits for wii speak until later this month. So they'll incorporate it in the game somehow. Whether they will make a real headset or not, no one knows. But as far as we know, voice chat is a must and high voltage has been pushing for it from the start.DiaperRash89
Unless Nintendo put some sort of huge technical restriction Im sure a third party company will develop a headset that will perform just the same as Wii Speak.
This game is long overdue.
This game should be on Wii I have never heard of a more perfect fit. Please Sega DONT F*** this up.
My expectations for a 9.0+ Jet Grind Radio game would be the following:
Multiplayer- high number of people preferably above 10, online coop of at least 2, 4 player splitscreen, and comperable LAN that has everything of online modes
Controls- please motion controls could be very useful along with IR. Its not waggle if its done right. M+ would be coool but not necessarily needed.
Visuals- should far surpass xbox version in tech and hopefully art style should go above and beyond the rest.
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