I was at Bestbuy last night and they had a **** ton of them out but from the hole on the bottom you weren't able to see the volts (12.1A being Jasper). I could see it for the Arcade units but not the elites.
Is there a way to tell by the Date? I believe that's all I could see. Going back tomorrow so I could really use the help
"There is no "Career Mode" included within. Instead you choose from one of the 35 tracks or any of their variations (different configurations of some, and reverse mode on all,) and work your way up from ****D to ****A on each. You start with 100k credits, which is nice because you can pick-up two or three cars right out of the gate"
Seems very GT5 Prologue'ish so I'm starting to restore faith into this game.
I have a Hori screen protector on mine and I just recently got a black silicone case for my PSP which so far is fantastic. I also do have a Playgear slim but it's a bit too bulky and when I play my PSP when it's inside it my right hand get's irritated by the plastic.
So what do you guys use? If it's something that you find spectacular a link would be appreciated :D
My DS3 after recently going whacko and me having to re-sync it has been doing one thing odd.
When I push the PS button, on the main PS3 menu it will scroll up whichever section I'm under (photos for instance), and sometimes go left and up again.
Is this normal? and if not, what's the best way to sync my controller? (that could be the problem)
Other than that though the controller works fine, there are no problems, I just don't remember if the PS button did that or not.
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