Your're ordering the same beer. Order a Guinness in both Europe and America and In my opinion the European beer will be better. This should not be a tough concept.
Just as if you order lobster on the coast it will be better than if you order lobster 2,000 miles inland. Again, if you want a better drink order a better drink.This isn't lobster though, the analogy isn't doing it for me. If the point you're trying to make is to order an American beer in America and a European beer in Europe than the argument just doesn't hold up. In case you haven't been following along, I have already stated that I prefer European beer to American beer, so why would I order something I do not like? That said, in my opinion American beer also tastes better in Europe as well, as I have said before it doesn't taste as watered down. These are opinions of an anonymous person on the internet. Why can you not stand that people have differing opinions gerg. I am not imposing martial law to force people to acknowledge my opinion as a fact. I am not undertaking a scientific study of the worlds beers so I may convert peoples taste buds and preferences. I am making a statement on the internet.
Listen pal, there are many more American beers than just Budweiser and Coors, my guess is you have never tried anything but. If you have, well then you need to broaden your horizons a bit. But I don't think that will do much considering you have nothing good to say about my country or my people....typical
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