At the end of the day, console wars just like other technology wars (intel vs amd etc.) are a great thing for us, the consumers. There is nothing like the threat of greatness and demonstrations of such to cast doubt and fear amongst rivals, once again forcing the progression of the technological front. I'm personally not a fan of either console, I just follow games I enjoy and welcome technology wars. Too bad 90% of the people commenting here are fanboys in one way or another and can't appreciate the greater ramifications of how these scenarios go. Both the consoles are excellent pieces of hardware, and realistically the only reason the 360 hasn't had any probs is because at the end of the day it's just a suped up PC. Sony may have had aspirations too high above their heads for a while, but I personally give massive credit to them for trying something completely new, an approach that was feared might cost them, and it is certainly taking it's toll. I hope for their sake (and i'm reasonably confident) that even with a shaky start it will ultimately become a great piece of technology.
c0zmosis' comments