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#1 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts


You don't know Bubble Bobble on NES?


I've heard of Bubble Bobble now.

To the other thread above.

It's a simple observation.

even with out a comparrison between other match ups.

When was the last time there has been a bubble bobble gam.

I'm willing to bet tat once Bubble Bobble is matched up against another game it would just drop off.

However we all know that Halo is one of the most Loved/Hated games in games history.

Hence the number turn out.

It's so obvious.

Hmm...oh welll... I guess there are so many bubble bobble fanboys now they have to make a new game of it. Unless they happen to just mysteriously dissapear after this.

wow you still don't get it, you are giving them exactly what they want, this isnt about fanboys, its about pissing people off, people like you

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#3 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts

[QUOTE="c1o2d3y"]If I had choose a system by FPS's only I would choose the 360 mainly for L4D, and Halo 3 (cows can bash all the want, but the MP is amazing) Splitscreen Muitiplayer > single player IMO and even though Killzone 2 is a great game, it has no splitscreen MPMr_Ditters

As a cow, I really liked L4D. I wish they had it for the PS3, but I could care less about Halo.

Overall though I think the PS3 wins out. Resitance 2 was kind of blah, but Killzone 2, which is not without its problems, truly is phenomenal.

I would consider myself a cow too, since I always have and always will love sony's consoles more than any of the competition's, but the Halo story doesn't interest me a all, but the muitiplayer is very, very nice, its a solid shooter with like 20 different muitiplayer modes, and it really never gets old

I agree with R2 I wish they would of kept the old co op, like they had in Resistance Fall of Man, and Killzone 2 is a really fantasic game, but it was over way to soon

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#4 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts
If I had choose a system by FPS's only I would choose the 360 mainly for L4D, and Halo 3 (cows can bash all the want, but the MP is amazing) Splitscreen Muitiplayer > single player IMO and even though Killzone 2 is a great game, it has no splitscreen MP
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#5 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts


So if L4D2 wasnt going to be on ps3 then why did EA's web page show the box art for ps3? i still dont get it i mean they cant be THAT stupid to put the name on there and even a whole box art made for the ps3 that shows L4D2. so what do everyone say? could it be just an early leak instead of a mistake? i sure think so


Why would you play it on your PS3 anyway? Don't all of you have rigs to complement your PS3 and shun down on lemmings :?

Mabey because L4D is one of the best splitscreen co op games out there right now, and many of us actually have friends who only have consoles, so mabey we would want to bring it over and play?

I dont care what you hermits say, IMO sitting on a couch with a friend, and playing splitscreen on a huge HD tv is one of the best things about gaming, and is what made me love games when I was younger

BTW I have a 360, and I love L4D, and have over 700GS in it

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#6 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts

Dead Space is one of the most recent games that made me jump, but I remember Dino crisis scared the **** out of me when I first played it, but I was a lot younger

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#7 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts


I laughed :lol:

Truth is, Halo ODST, SC Conviction, Forza 3 and GTAIV exclusive 360 disc all have a good chance at scoring AAAE :D

Uncharted 2 not so much.


LOOOOOOOOL Splinter Cell is coming out to PC, so its not exclusive. Halo ODST is Halo 3 with new characters. GTA IV Add-on is that, add on. Forza 3 has a chance. You have been OWNED BY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Facepalm* Halo 3: ODST is more than Halo 3 with new characters, you don't play as a Spartan, you can't jump high, you don't have shields, you must use Health Packs to heal, it has different guns, the game is less linear than any Halo game before it (its more open ended) and the story is completely different.

Really? so is it going to be like CoD, or KZ set in the halo universe? that sounds really, really bad IMO, I love the MP in Halo and jumping high, and having regenerating shields is one of the reasons why I liked it
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#8 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts


Splinter Cell isn't an exclusive, ODST and GTA stuff are expansions.

So, one exclusive game with a chance of AAA for the year, very nice.

Also, Uncharted 2 WILL score 9.0+.


It's still not coming out on PS3 :D

ODST is more than an expansion. It's a full game. So is GTAIV DLC pack.

And Uncharted won't score an AAA. It doesn't have what it takes to be AAA.

you would actually have to know something about the game which you dont. I will watch you eat your words when Uncharted 2 scores 9.5+

now I love Uncharted but I can't see it scoring 9.5+
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#9 c1o2d3y
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Halo 3: ODST = AAAE /thread.


A add on getting AAAE, dont make me laugh.

It isn't an add-on, its a full priced game with more content than Call of Duty 4 shipped with. :|

As much as CoD4? I thought it only had 3 maps and a 5 hour campaign
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#10 c1o2d3y
Member since 2006 • 470 Posts

This thread cracks me up. Hey TC, you sig is VERY fitting for you. ;)

Obvious fanboy is obvious.

it looks like everyone is overlooking his avatar for those of you you don't know its a Austrian guy who kept his daughter in his basement for like 17 years, they had like 4 kids one of them died and he just threw it in the trash or something like that, and one got sick once so he took it to the doctor and that was when he got busted