@Maroxad: Fair enough though I would like to add besides the writing I think Mother 3 has top tier music and amazing atmosphere as well as probably the best NPCs of any rpgs. I also think Pokey Minch is the best video game villain ever :)
cabaretvoltaire's forum posts
@davillain-: Earthbound did and Earthbound beginnings is on virtual console. As for Mother 3 just emulate it.
@Maroxad: You say Mother 3 is probably the most well written but then say these others are better but it'd be nice if you explained why they are better :)
@seanh: So you have to play a game when it's released to be able to enjoy it? I played Dragon Quest 3 25 years after it was first released and yet it became one of my favorite games ever!
David Bowie was a true musical genius imo. One of the greatest if not the greatest rock stars of all time. So many solid albums and to think he was in the middle of making a comeback :(
Not asking what you think is overrated but what games have you noticed are most associated with the term overrated? From what I've noticed the two main games that are brought up are Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy 7.
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