This is possibly the biggest on line failure of all PS3 titles released to date. I can't begin to describe my disappointment! I had such high hopes for this game; after all it's an E.A. game I thought they should certainly be masters of on line game play by now. In case you haven't heard the massive problem with this game is connectivity. I have owned this game since a day before it's release(thanks to a feeble minded store employee and the Jedi mind trick.) and have only been able to connect to 2 on line versus matches and a handfull of co-op games. To compound the problem if someone quits during on line play the game just deteriorates in versus mode. During co-op mode if your partner quits at least you can continue the game with your A.I. character. My only hope is that someone reads this and tells me I've been doing something wrong, or has some great solution like changing my settings or something.
Until then
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