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Army of TWO on line experience?

This is possibly the biggest on line failure of all PS3 titles released to date. I can't begin to describe my disappointment! I had such high hopes for this game; after all it's an E.A. game I thought they should certainly be masters of on line game play by now. In case you haven't heard the massive problem with this game is connectivity. I have owned this game since a day before it's release(thanks to a feeble minded store employee and the Jedi mind trick.) and have only been able to connect to 2 on line versus matches and a handfull of co-op games. To compound the problem if someone quits during on line play the game just deteriorates in versus mode. During co-op mode if your partner quits at least you can continue the game with your A.I. character. My only hope is that someone reads this and tells me I've been doing something wrong, or has some great solution like changing my settings or something.

Until then


Lair anticipation

I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Lair for the PS3! I know what the PS3 can do and all games have fallen short of my expectations. I don't know why but almost every game since "Resistance fall of man" has seemed to be rushed for quick sale. Or is it just that developers don't think that we as gamers care as long as we get our titles.Honestly "Rainbow six Vegas" I beat it in 12 hours (normal mode, hard mode just a little longer 14.5 hrs.) and on line is slow and choppy.I'm not sure who is rating these games but 4.5 out of 5 stars ???? And for all you Vegas on line players if you don't want people you don't know to play with you create private games or reserve spaces for friends. I am sick of joining rooms waiting for games to start to get booted and start all over again! And stop breathing heavy in your mics ever hear of blue tooth?


I just got my PS3 a week and a half ago and my first game Resistance fall of man. This is the first thing I have done outside of playing but now I gotta go IT'S CALLING ME......

Gangs of London

Gangs of London has potential to be a great game. An overall great presentation that falls a little flat after a few missions. The problem is repitition. After playing a short time it seems to be the same ol same again. I loved the graphic novel set up preceding and following the missions; it brings energy to a plain game. I also like driving on the left like all the Brittish based games it makes the driving portions of the game more of a challenge. The best part of the game is the pub the games in there are fun no matter what you think of the rest of the game. 

SCARFACE money power respect

This game was released to make money. The release of this game for the psp coincided with the release of  "Scarface the world is yours" intentionally! The soul purpose; catching people unaware that there was a difference between the two games. I got caught I walked into my gaming store to see what was new and was surprised to see Scarface on the shelf on it's release date. I grabbed a copy and went to the checkout where the clerk rang me up raving about how great it was supposed to be. I popped the game in was blown away by the intro and within 22 minutes decided that this was the greatest disappointment in my gaming history!