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Today, a few blocks from my home, a big fire broke out and caught four warehouses on fire. I was there, watching from a block away for a while, when this big explosion lit up the sky and raised the temperature around me about 10 degrees. (it was about 40F out there) It was scary/awesome, and I kept watching for about 15 minutes more (was watching the warehouses collapse) when the police come by, freaking out and yelling "everyone out of here, we've had explosions!" ..............15 minutes late!!
They kept screaming and I was leaving, looking around as tons of people were freaking out around me, yelling at cars and others. (I've seen the mob mentality and fear of people who don't know what's going on firsthand, but i've known about it for a while)
Well, I'm here typing (just out of range of the power grid they took down, heh) and letting you know that something interesting actually happened here.